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Tagged with: Muscle or Joint Pain

Valerie Sanfilippo

Annie Smale

extreme joint pain started within weeks of the booster shot. No connection was made at the time. Several doctors misdiagnosed as tennis elbow, osteoarthritis.... Stiffness and pain in shoulders, el...

Daniel Meinhard

Within a month of shot #2 I began feeling pain in my chest, abdomen & back. I would get rapid heart rates from just changing from squatting to standing. I began sweating profusely over minimal task...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher A Dreisbach

As a result of severe adverse autoimmune reaction to my vaccination in March of 2021, I have been afflicted and diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), a debilitati...

Jacob Maczuga

Right after the first shot, I developed a severe pain in my right knee which is a one of the implants. It persisted for a month and required me to use a cane for that period. It ultimately subsided...

John Roberds

My first symptoms came about six weeks after my second vaccine shot in late March 2021. It was pain in my legs and feet when I rode my bike and pain in my feet most days. The first symptoms lasted ...

Kate Connolly

Immediately I experienced a drop in my immunity measured by labs orrdered by my immunologist I had vertigo and had to see a specialist; tinnitus which hasn’t resolved; paralysis of my left hip thr...

Susan Bomkamp

Neoraphy pain weakness short of breath feel tired all the time still have pain in the arm they shot me in rash , no one gives me answers

Valerie Mathijsen Palay

It started after a flight to Hawaii from SC, I sat next to a young woman who was super sick and coughed constantly. The next day I couldn’t get out of bed I had such severe aches and pains througho...

Angela Hardy

I was sick within 3 hours of the vaccine. Felt like I had the flu and it knocked me down for almost 2 weeks . I started to feel better for maybe a week and then went right back downhill. My symptom...

Elaine Goodfriend

I felt a burning sensation running down my arm immediately after I had the vaccine. That turned to pain and soreness with limited range of motion. The pain did not go away but I went ahead and had ...

Karen Seldon

Nov 2022. Only diagnoses has been Arthritis. Sudden debilitating pain in left hip, left wrist, both shoulders and diminished muscle tone. Been going to PT and he says my joints are extremely tight ...

Maria Joao Silva

The symptoms following this first shot were: mental confusion ( difficulty to return to work alone) and a swelling from the zone under the wrist and little finger (left side). However I felt calm a...

Vaccine Injury of C.D. – New York

Vaccine Date: 05 April 2021
Entry Date: 5/29/21 ​ I'm a 32 year old female. Before receiving the vaccine, I had ZERO health issues and took ZERO medications (not even birth control or vitamins). I got the J&J vaccine o...

Vaccine Injury of S.T. – Wisconsin

6/25​/21 Before I received the Johnson and Johnson shot on april 6th, i was a pretty healthy. On 2 medications for thyroid and estrogen. I am extremely independent and very active in my career. Th...

Vaccine Injury of M.R. – Tennessee

8/11/21 I received my second Pfizer dose on 3/26/21. Less than a week later, I lost 60% of my hair due to an autoimmune disease called Alopecia Areata, that I didn’t have prior to vaccination, ...

Vaccine Injury of C.R. – Nevada

8/11/21 I received my second Pfizer dose on 3/26/21. Less than a week later, I lost 60% of my hair due to an autoimmune disease called Alopecia Areata, that I didn’t have prior to vaccination, ...

Vaccine Injury of J.I. – Nevada

8/11/21 I took the Pfizer vaccine, just one. I lost my taste for three days. I had stem cell therapy done for my arthritis. I had been pain free for a year. My joints in my hands have swollen a...

Vaccine Injury of Leslie L. // Johnson & Johnson

Vaccine Date: 15 October 2021
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction  I received one dose of Moderna in January 2021. The next day, I became short of breath and was so fatigued I had to stay in bed. I ...

Rachel Kilner

Vertigo Migraines Body aches Tinnitus Weak muscles Pins and needles in arms and hands Restless legs Insomnia Blurred vison Anxiety Nerve issues Tremors Muscle twitching Not urinating p...