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Tagged with: Heart Issues

Tobie Vergara

Valentina Paripskaya

Valerie Sanfilippo

Vicki Strine

Vince Cako

Braden Tomlinson

I got the vaccine on August 7, 2021. First dose of Pfizer. On August 15th I started getting an itchy feeling in my chest and got a fever and chills, exhausted. Doctor confirmed I did not have parac...

Bruce Corbett

I received my first Moderna booster on 10/24/2021. I developed right calf pain shortly after that in early November 2021 that continued through the month. On 12/17/2021, I struggled to climb the fl...

Daniel Shannon

I received the fist Pfizer booster on October 8th 2021. On the next day I experienced an intense burning sensation across my chest and back. That pain progressed incrementally, until my entire uppe...

Deidre Simmons

10/22/21 was the date of my booster. I was flu-like for two days and then felt better so resumed my PT walking and exercises two days later. Suddenly, I could only walk half the distance I could pr...

Elizabeth Strauss

8/4/23 – allergic reaction to dog (wheezing, coughing, congestion) I had been exposed to previously 8/31/23 – after being home for 10 days, respiratory infection, anemia, fever for 4 weeks (over ...

Erika C

Tinnitus, Paresthesias, Fasculations, Photosensitivity, Extreme Insomnia, Tremors, Muscle twitches, Heart Palpitations, Heart Pounding, Vivid dreams, Visual Disturbances, Night sweats, Anxiety, Pan...

Hal Read

Esophageal spasms, definitely NOT heart related. We can find no correlation to time of day, foods eaten, after a year without improvement, it now can be triggered by exertion. Prior to one year, I ...

Jeff Coppock

2 heart attack replaced aortic valve and soon to me replaced pulmonary valve

Kaylene Grui

Jan 10th 2021 - FIrst episode, had nausea vomiting, and the scariest was my heart started racing, it would go from 70-80 beats/min up to 120/130 beats/min with me just sitting doing nothing. April...

Natasha Moore

On April 30th 2021 I received 2nd dose of Pfizer, May 1st 2021,24hrs after 2nd jab ,I woke up and had a sip of tea,I started to feel very very nauseated. I tried getting to my bed but was knocked u...

Aaron Edwards

After my first shot I didn’t experience sore arm or didn’t experience flu symptoms. I did experience chest aches, heart beating fast and heat flashes. I went to the hospital and they diagnosed me w...

Bill Byers

I had my first Pfizer Covid-19 shot on March 4, 2021. I was looking forward to it; a step forward to getting back to normal. My arm was a little sore afterwards but that was it. Nine days later, Ma...

Cathleen Roy-Dwelley

I had a single Pfizer Covid shots on April 9, 2021. That night I had a sore arm, but I expected that. Over the next days my balance was off, I was tired, aches it felt like I had the flu. I continu...

Joel Bloom

I was extremely lethargic for three or four days. Long story short. I was admitted to the hospital on 4/23/22 and diagnosed with pneumonia,severe sepsis;atrial fibrillation, delirium at some point ...

Laura Ottaway

I first received the Moderna vaccine in March 2021 in a CVS in a rural area of Virginia. I waited with my husband the 15 minutes required before we jumped in the car ready to take our youngest to l...