I received my first vaccine on April 13th, 2021 and my second dose on a May 5th, 2021. At this time I was an active snowboarder, going to the mountain every single weekend and as of...
Due to mounting pressure from my family, I recently decided to get the JAB, while I have only had one, I will not take the 2nd. Since my first shot two weeks ago since then, my issu...
I received my first Moderna vaccine on 1/6/21 with no noticeable side effects, besides the expected arm pain. I received my second dose on 2/4/21, again with minimal side effects in...
A couple of things I have loved to do have been gardening and online genealogical research.
I recieved the moderna shots as soon as they became available to me.
Soon after I notic...
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction
Allergies, Internal vibrations, Sensory changes, Light, smell, sound, chemical, electrical sensitivities, Chronic pain (fibromyalgia) Exe...