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Tagged with: Paraesthesias

Susan Wyle

Swayzeen Medina

Sylvia Schut

Tammy Gravis

Tara Taylor

Thomas Shanley

Tina Cleary

Tina Ekonomides

Trenton Abend

Valentina Paripskaya

Valerie Sanfilippo

Vivien Buckley

Woesthoff Kim

Cynthia McGranahan

I didn't make it out of my 15 minute observation period at a drive-thru, very large vaccine site at a local sports arena. I started to feel very strange and tingly and signaled to the medical staff...

Daniel Shannon

I received the fist Pfizer booster on October 8th 2021. On the next day I experienced an intense burning sensation across my chest and back. That pain progressed incrementally, until my entire uppe...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher A Dreisbach

As a result of severe adverse autoimmune reaction to my vaccination in March of 2021, I have been afflicted and diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), a debilitati...

Danielle Dersch

Immediately after there was a lump on my neck, extreme brain confusion, tiredness, exhaustion, poor memory and recollection of time periods, dates, familiar faces, shut off, apathetic, POTs like sy...

Erika C

Tinnitus, Paresthesias, Fasculations, Photosensitivity, Extreme Insomnia, Tremors, Muscle twitches, Heart Palpitations, Heart Pounding, Vivid dreams, Visual Disturbances, Night sweats, Anxiety, Pan...

Renee Taylor

Vibrations in my head - feeling intoxicated and having no balance and having literal vibrations in my head I could feel and hear Confusion, foggy brain, cannot remember things properly Tingling...

Steven Carroll

I had a neurological event 2 weeks after the 2nd vaccine (April & May 2021) where my legs and nervous system felt shock waves & I I couldn’t stand up. Dizzy & light headed for several hours. Numbne...