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Tagged with: Head Pain

Vaccine Injury of Robert Seromik

On 8/27/2021 I got my second pfizer. Within a week I was getting a flashes of light in my eyes while I was trying to sleep and also heart palpitations. I started developing overtime and slowly woul...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher Stone Lamb

I started feeling dizziness, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, headaches, within hours of my Second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Largely bedridden for 1 1/2 years.

Vaccine Injury of Sarah Brochey

I went to my local pharmacy for the first vax. I waited 15 minutes afterwards, and felt ok but was dizzy. I went straight home and went to bed. I couldn't go back to work the next day so I just tho...

Vaccine Injury of NHegazy Kaashoek

Na vaccin gingen we naar Maleisie(35 graden). Toen ik terugkwam had ik tintelingen in heel mijn onderbenen en in mijn handen After the vaccine we went to Malaysia (35 degrees).  When I c...

Vaccine Injury of Lance Varin

I was vaccinated on December 18th 2021 after going for a checkup with my primary care physician. I had covid already and was fine but during my visit he somehow convinced me that I needed to get a ...

Vaccine Injury of Rachel D

March 16th, 2021, a few weeks after my second dose of the Moderna vaccine (Feb 19), I got weird fuzziness in my eyes, which I thought was the start of a migraine. I took medicine and still got a he...

Vaccine Injury of Dave Oliphant

Pfizer Covid vaccine March and April 2021 and Pfizer booster on January 6 2022. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms after April 2021. Tested January 28, 2022 by skin biopsy and confirmed in February 202...

Vaccine Injury of Barbara Johnson

Booster by Pfizer was given in November 2021, 5 days later I found myself paralyzed literally & in excruciating pain. It was too much of a coincidence. After several ER visits, all doctors deni...

Vaccine Injury of Christina Hackman Fible

April 6th, I received my first Moderan shot. (lot# 021B21A) Within a few hours I had a headache and felt exhausted. My left arm was very sore. More than my usual flu shot. Over the next couple days...

Vaccine Injury of Sylvia Moisan


Vaccine Injury of Vanessa Hannaford

Never had covid and was working from home did not really need the vaccine, my boss was pushing for it just in case we had to travel to client sites. I also just lost my mom to cancer a year before ...

Vaccine Injury of Debra Mitchell

In January 2021 even though I worked from home, I was forced to get the Covid 19 vaccine in order to keep my job. I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 1/12/2021. Approximately on 1/17...

Vaccine Injury of Mary Beth Knott

Vaccinated Jan 2021, and Feb 2021, went to the doc and was gaslit stating this is how the vaccine works and I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and auxiliary. I also had inter cranial inflammation...

Vaccine Injury of Kate Nicoll

10 days after first vaccine 2021, since then 26 ER visits, 7 hospitalizations

Vaccine Injury of Katie Loth

Second shot was 2/19/21, I found a mass on my tongue in 9/21. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer stage 4 by November 2021. Mantel cell lymphoma. After determining growth rate, they said it started ...

Vaccine Injury of Drew Wilson

Received J&J vaccine on 5/20/21. Six hours later I felt very sick and had a headache and some vomiting that evening. I was sick for about 48 hours. On 5/28/21 I experienced back pain that would...

Vaccine Injury of C Tetzlaff

Received booster about 12 noon, approximately midnight woke up with severe chills, body aches, nausea. Within less then 1 week was unable to walk

Vaccine Fatality of Haley Link

Dose was Moderna and is on one of VAERS “Hot Lots” 027L20A. Typed transcript of December 2021 Covid-19 Summit in Greenwood, IN Hi, my name is Shauna Link and I live in Evansville, Indiana. Thank yo...

Vaccine Injury of Jill Alesi

In 2021 I had my first Johnson & Johnson COVID19 vaccine. It was not, however, until after the J&J booster shot in November of 2021 that my symptoms first began. My symptoms rapidly develop...

Vaccine Injury of Cynthia Jones

23 September 2021 - Pfizer - Adverse reaction: drooping left side of face until morning, and extreme stabbing pain in left side of head, back. Unable to get out of bed for 3 days. 14 October 2021:...