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Tagged with: Inflammation

Tracie Mayer

Valerie Sanfilippo

Vivien Buckley

Annie Smale

extreme joint pain started within weeks of the booster shot. No connection was made at the time. Several doctors misdiagnosed as tennis elbow, osteoarthritis.... Stiffness and pain in shoulders, el...

Danielle Dersch

Immediately after there was a lump on my neck, extreme brain confusion, tiredness, exhaustion, poor memory and recollection of time periods, dates, familiar faces, shut off, apathetic, POTs like sy...

David Jarnagin

About a week after my second moderna, I started having heart palpitations. Never had them before. Over the course of the next year I developed inflammation and immunity problems. Shortness of brea...

Elizabeth Strauss

8/4/23 – allergic reaction to dog (wheezing, coughing, congestion) I had been exposed to previously 8/31/23 – after being home for 10 days, respiratory infection, anemia, fever for 4 weeks (over ...

Jacob Maczuga

Right after the first shot, I developed a severe pain in my right knee which is a one of the implants. It persisted for a month and required me to use a cane for that period. It ultimately subsided...

Mary Wood

I received my fourth Covid shot on December 15, 2022. I did not have any reaction to my previous 3 shots. The day of my fourth shot I experienced a flush in my face that turned into inflammation. I...

Valerie Mathijsen Palay

It started after a flight to Hawaii from SC, I sat next to a young woman who was super sick and coughed constantly. The next day I couldn’t get out of bed I had such severe aches and pains througho...

Darrel Spradlin

Severe fatigue, dizzy, lethargic. Bed ridden

Vaccine Injury of Christopher A Dreisbach

As a result of severe adverse autoimmune reaction to my vaccination in March of 2021, I have been afflicted and diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), a debilitati...

Elaine Goodfriend

I felt a burning sensation running down my arm immediately after I had the vaccine. That turned to pain and soreness with limited range of motion. The pain did not go away but I went ahead and had ...

George Richmond

After I received the second shot to put me fully vaccinated. I knew something was wrong. 2-3 weeks later I was watching TV and all of a sudden tinnitus took over my life!! I had very low ringing fo...

Laura Ottaway

I first received the Moderna vaccine in March 2021 in a CVS in a rural area of Virginia. I waited with my husband the 15 minutes required before we jumped in the car ready to take our youngest to l...

Michelle Smith

Immediately, after getting the second shot, I developed a large, grapefruit sized swelling that climbed up my arm to the base of my neck. Shortly after that, I developed problems with my lower legs...

Miriam Marsh

My symptoms started out with a severe pain in my head that radiated down my neck and into my shoulder and arm. I also had vertigo, nausea, and dizziness, tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, pain ...

Selvaraj Manickam

12/15/2022, i was infected with some form of virus infection. Ever since that virus infection, I had 2-3 weeks to recover from flu/rsv type infection. After that i started losing weight , losing st...

Shawn Spitler

Anaphylaxis allergic reaction that caused respiratory failure and collapsed lung which triggered an autoimmune response in my body. That autoimmune response created hemiplegia to my rt side due to ...

Thomas Brackmann

Symptoms are symilar to Dr Joel. first time I have heard of back trouble though I blamed the Jab immediately. After the Jab, aching back and weakness in the legs. No longer did my own mowing and go...