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Tagged with: Paraesthesias

Susan Keith

Susan Wyle

Swayzeen Medina

Sylvia Schut

Tammy Gravis

Tara Taylor

Thomas Shanley

Tina Cleary

Tina Ekonomides

Trenton Abend

Valentina Paripskaya

Valerie Sanfilippo

Vivien Buckley

Woesthoff Kim

Cynthia McGranahan

I didn't make it out of my 15 minute observation period at a drive-thru, very large vaccine site at a local sports arena. I started to feel very strange and tingly and signaled to the medical staff...

Daniel Shannon

I received the fist Pfizer booster on October 8th 2021. On the next day I experienced an intense burning sensation across my chest and back. That pain progressed incrementally, until my entire uppe...

Danielle Dersch

Immediately after there was a lump on my neck, extreme brain confusion, tiredness, exhaustion, poor memory and recollection of time periods, dates, familiar faces, shut off, apathetic, POTs like sy...

Erika C

Tinnitus, Paresthesias, Fasculations, Photosensitivity, Extreme Insomnia, Tremors, Muscle twitches, Heart Palpitations, Heart Pounding, Vivid dreams, Visual Disturbances, Night sweats, Anxiety, Pan...

Renee Taylor

Vibrations in my head - feeling intoxicated and having no balance and having literal vibrations in my head I could feel and hear Confusion, foggy brain, cannot remember things properly Tingling...

Steven Carroll

I had a neurological event 2 weeks after the 2nd vaccine (April & May 2021) where my legs and nervous system felt shock waves & I I couldn’t stand up. Dizzy & light headed for several hours. Numbne...