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Tagged with: Tremors or Twitching

Lisa F

Michele Surcouf

Mubeen Baig

N Whitwell

Patricia Mitchum

Monica Jensen

Randy Malispina

Renee Seginowich

Rocco Ruiz

Ruthann Brown

Shawn Spitler

Theresa Casey

Thomas Langenfeld

Tracie Mayer

Valentina Paripskaya

William Gibbs

Bill West

Extreme fatigue starting in late March 2021 Lots of muscle twitching Muscle weakness severe enough to keep me in bed 12 hours a days for six months Lost appetite and lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks. ...

Cynthia McGranahan

I didn't make it out of my 15 minute observation period at a drive-thru, very large vaccine site at a local sports arena. I started to feel very strange and tingly and signaled to the medical staff...

Erika C

Tinnitus, Paresthesias, Fasculations, Photosensitivity, Extreme Insomnia, Tremors, Muscle twitches, Heart Palpitations, Heart Pounding, Vivid dreams, Visual Disturbances, Night sweats, Anxiety, Pan...

Nancy Ramirez-Wood

First Moderna vaccine was 3/21, I had noticed issues ( change in menstruation, headaches, rash to injection site) so I didn’t want the second dose. Later on it became mandatory because I work in he...