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Corrina Mitchell

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Very active, road bike to work everyday. Hiking with husband. I did crossfit and Hiit training. Very chatty, helpful and strong at work. I host volleyball, dinner parties and would go out with friends. Very lovey and connected to my husband. Morning person. Operating Room Attendant, front line worker. Rarely called in sick. Been sick for a year now, called in sick more then I ever have before.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Around 2 weeks after the shot I had suddenly lost vision in my right eye. I had like a finger smudge and feels like my eye is swollen but being pushed in at the same time. I get stabbing pain in the eye and it feels like it drags when I blink. I got severe numbness in my arms, legs, face and back at the same time. Stinging, numb, burning, vibrating all the time. Sinus swollen. Severe stomach pain. I lost 20pds in a month in a half. 30 pds in 10 months. Chest pains, was told I had inflamed rib cage. Left breast pain, tingling and numbness. Trouble breathing. I would shoot up from sleeping with a racing heart, panicking. It would take half hr for my heart to stabilize. I was so afraid to fall asleep for months. I went to emergency at least 15 times from December- March. Plus doctor appointments. The numbness, vision loss still continues, but not as intense. The numbness gets worse with heat.

Last July I started to get tightness in the right side of my neck and right ear pain. It felt like something was choking me and all my neck muscles where so sore and tight. Sometimes difficult or uncomfortable to swollow. Yet doctors couldn't feel anything. The right ear has stabbing pain that goes into my jaw. In September I developed a fullness in my left underarm. It feels like there is a hard lump, but it isn't the lymph nodes. Doctor said it could be tight muscles. But it causes more numbness down my arm and makes my arm weak. There is tingling and burning on the side of my underarm and it causes my left side to cramp and twitch. The underarm discomfort, and neck pain continues. I now just recently developed a swollen tongue and lips, the tip of my tongue is very red and sensitive. My lips and mouth are tingling and the whole tongue is sensitive.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

The doctors never gave me anything, just said it was anxiety and things will sort themselves out. I have recently started EDTA and omega 3. The numbness is less intense

Which solutions were not helpful?

Ppi didn't help my stomach

What would you like others to know?

This vaccine is dangerous and scary
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