Diana Withee
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I started having heart arrhythmias on 1/17; Moderna lot 03L20A/20' 1/21. rapid heart beat 2/7; heart flutter for 5 secs 2/12;
I did not associate this with the shot until almost a year later
2/12 Had second Moderna shot Lot 043L20A had heart arrhythmia 2/15; 2/16 off and on;2/17woke up at 3 am with heart arrhythmia; 2/18 heart arrhythmia;[ 2/22; 2/24 ; 2/25 heart palpitations--I took a recording on these two dates on either my watch or my Emay portable ECG monitor and it said I had atrial fabulation on these days; the other times I checked it said sinus rhythm ]; 3/14 arrhythmias, 2/15; 3/17; 4/18 heart palpitations
4/29 had echo cardiogram
5/3 holter monitor
5/3 arrhythmia; 5/9 arrhythmia in am; 5/11 arrhythmia;
recorded something I labeled AVG--I think that is heart palpitations on 5/20;5/21;5/22; 5/23;5/24;5/26
tests found left ventricular hypertrophy and a possible infarction; but the latter shows up on a test in 2018 and the dr said I don't show any heart damage so may be just the way I test.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Moderna Vaccine:16 January 2022
Injury Date:
17 January 2021 -
CA -