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Kelly Fraser

Tagged with: Inflammation,

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

This is my husband, Nigel's story. We lived an athletic and outdoorsy life that's common in the mountains of Colorado. Nigel is a hockey player, skier, hiker, angler and works a physical job. We confirmed we had COVID after friends we skied with informed us of the exposure. We wouldn't have known we had it New Years of 2020/2021, had we not gotten tested. It was mild to asymptomatic. Then, March 21, 2021, after a great ski day, Nigel had a heart attack. He had flu like symptoms and refused to let me take him to the ER. 18 hours later, I took him against his will. He shouldn't have survived the Widow Maker after that long, but somehow his body found an alternative way to buy him time. Long story short, 3 weeks later, Nigel had an emergency heart transplant. We learned very quickly what late presentation means for a heart attack victim. Although we will never know if his heart attack was the result of the COVID virus, the story of his vaccine injury should be heard. Once you receive someone's heart and the intense investment of a transplant, you are essentially an investment of the hospital and medical team. The intense pressure to take the experimental genetic therapy jabs started hours after transplant. It was unrelenting. Note, the vaccine was just rolling out to the public at this time. Since we had just had COVID and he was prescribed an enormous and complex list of prescriptions post-transplant, we didn't want to add more unknowns to the beginning of his 'drug journey'. *Transplants' "part II" is to find the right amounts of each drug to help the recipient not reject the organ- this can often take 1-2 years to work through for each individual (lots of immunosuppression drugs among many others). I won't go into the cancelation of where we lived and holding down my job as someone who didn't take the shots, but it was hard. I made him promise to not take the shots until we figured out how to get his white blood cell (WBC) count out of a dangerous zone. My ask was: Please resist their intense pressure throughout '21, at least. He went behind my back and gave in, feeling that his situation merited this. He has a right to make that choice, but he didn't tell me. His WBC's were improving in the last few months of '21, then they dropped off after the shots in December '21.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Nigel was making some progress with the biggest challenge he had, post transplant- producing WBC's in the last few months of December '21. In the months that followed December '21 (his shots), his WBC counts plummeted. It was extreme. (A friend who's a Dr was stunned to see his test results.- She said she's seen those levels once before, many years ago, in an advanced HIV patient who passed away). None the less, this persisted for the majority of '22 and his team of Dr's and nurses (in the cardiac unit of the hospital) were unrelenting to continue pushing him to take the COVID shots. He resisted the ongoing pressure for more shots, just trying to narrow down what drugs could be adjusted to get his WBC counts improved. It's important to note that in his situation, you don't want too many (rejection risks would rise) and you don't want too few (he had almost none which made him vulnerable to getting infections, serious complications or worse). There was no acknowledgement of his situation as it related to the possibility of an adverse reaction to the shots, but the timeline he mapped out on his own raised serious concerns for us. He became a mystery they couldn't solve. The team referred him to an oncologist because they didn't know what to do about his WBC count- they were out of options. That was pointless- he doesn't have cancer and those patients typically have low WBC's as a result of treatments.

Nigel had a bone marrow biopsy incase we needed to pursue a bone marrow transplant. We didn't see the point in going there until we could isolate why this was happening (this outcome could continue post that transplant if it's due to a drug combination they were administering).

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

They continued to push boosters up until just a few months ago. They won't articulate the material shift in their position, but are no longer recommending the shots to him. Nigel resisted taking more than the first two shots in Dec of '21. His team slowed down their adjustments to the drug combinations which helped isolate cause/effect reactions. I'm happy to report that his recovery has been successful. He's living as full of a life as he can and doesn't waste a single day. We will never know for sure what caused his heart attack or the direct causal of his significant decline in WBC production post the shots, but I'm confident that the shots did not help his situation. It added a layer of complexity and danger to an already complex situation.

Which solutions were not helpful?

Continually pushing the COVID shots after seeing his WBC reverse dramatically. Pretending that if he'd just take more of them, he'd be better off. While I believe his team's intentions were often coming from a well-intended place, they claimed utter confidence that he must take the shots due to his unique situation (yet they were saying this to 100% of their patients, so it really wasn't 'unique'). The censorship of the medical community to learn and collaborate on what they were seeing/finding was a material danger in the injured community. Perhaps some knew it was wrong, but I do believe there is a level of cognitive dissonance that prevents many in the medical community to grasp what has transpired at the hands of those we trust to treat us in our most vulnerable times.

What would you like others to know?

I can't answer the percentages of his worst/best because Nigel's situation post transplant will always be different than he was prior. Nigel is a success story when it comes to transplant patients as well as (what we believe is possibly) an adverse reaction to the genetic therapy shots known as MRNA COVID shots. What I want others to know is: 1- Don't ignore the signs of heart attack and understand the symptoms may not be what you think (it sounds like, I'm just tired and don't recover as fast as I used to- I'm just getting old). 2- Don't assume a one-size fits all approach to your health. Especially when it comes to something as complex as an individuals autoimmune system. It can be extremely complex. I have taken medications Intravenously for over half my life. I have seen adverse outcomes unfold from experimental medications. Know the risks you're taking and don't assume your medical team will be there when it goes wrong. Most Dr's will disregard you/blame you if they can't solve the symptoms with a procedure or drug. Be your own advocate and make informed decisions around the risks you choose to take and not take.
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