Kevin Dorosh
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
First in January 2020 I had a week of 102 fever. after fever broke I had nonstop dizziness and my sinuses were congested. I went to my Dr. who sent me to a ENT specialist. they had me do a dizziness tent and a MRI. The dizziness test showed something wrong but with no explanation I was told to monitor myself. MRI showed nothing. I saw a neurologist in November 2020 who said I may possibly have PPPD. No treatment offered. In July 2021 I received the Pfizer shot. A week later going to work I felt really dizzy and drunk. With not having any drugs or alcohol the night before I could not go to work. I went to my Dr. did blood work and everything was normal. In September 2021 the tinnitus started with static in my vision and I noticed if my body was upright for longer than a half hour ( sitting or standing) I would get slurred speech. In october 2021 along with the static vision i start to see flash of light in my eyes. In January 2022 I really started having balance issues and trouble reading the letters seemed wavy. if I looked at a straight line it looked like a snake. I march 2022 I started falling with numbness in my thigh. Also times of rapid heart rate and fluxuating blood pressure. In June 2022 I started seeing flashes of light when I would try to sleep. I could only sleep 2-3 hours at a time. when I woke up my whole body would be stiff like I was in an accident. In october 2022 my whole body started tingling and pulsating. when I would wake up I would see bright white light with everything else in shadows. So far Ive seen three neurologists , a cardiologist and a internal medicine Dr. They have only sent me for four tests I have tried ssir drugs and vestibule therapy. did not help. I have not been offered any other treatment. I was just told to be patient and wait.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:21 July 2023
Injury Date:
08 August 2023 -
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