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Mari Quates

Tagged with: Heart Issues,

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Very normal. Not suffering from any ailment or condition. Going to gym and doing personal training.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Days after second vaccine innauculation my daughter had to stop exercising with her personal trainer because she got dizzy and she vomited right there on the spot. She gave it a few days and tried to go back and resume her exercise training program but the same thing happened. Ultimately she discontinued with her personal trainer. Immediately she became lethargic and weak. Stayed in bed all day. During that week her symptoms got worse she got weaker continued the vomiting until her father rushed her to the emergency room at Ronald Reagan Medical center in Westwood California. It was there that a diagnosis of her left ventricular heart vessel failed to pump blood to all organs and throughout her body.

This had never happened to her before and when asked all of the doctor said they didn't know how this happened why this happened and what this was. As a mother I began to feel discontent and pursued a line of questioning that required an answer to if the vaccines had anything to do with her condition. They shrugged me off and said a resounding No!

This set off alarm bells for me.

The hospital nor its doctors or any other department did an investigation into the efficacy and adverse reactions she may have had to the vaccine.

My daughter Kristen was ultimately diagnosed with acute myocarditis.

Long story short...

the doctors put her on the ECMO machine in the ICU Unit while they assimilated A cardiology team.

Kristen was a miracle she responded well to all treatments and was alive conscious eating talking listening to music on Instagram like all young people are. But no matter how well she was doing on the ECMO machine in ICU that institution after 4 weeks begin to mysteriously drop the ball on several treatment options such as a heart transplant and a pump and came up with mysteriously stupid ass reasons why they could no longer give her these two permanent treatment options and we would just have to consider taking this beautiful 31-year-old young woman who was very much alive and wanting to go home off the ECMOno machine where she will pass away. I thought the doctors and the hospitals tooth and nail. The rest of the story is nothing but details of the devil. What happened to my daughter is macabre criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.. Lies decite coersion from her primary doctor who she trusted dearly, ensued until June 21 when she was sedated and taken off the ECMO machine and sent to eternal rest with much love. I am going to expose the treachery and the debauchery of the medical establishment during this pandemic era.

Please contact me I need your assistance in getting Kristen story out to the general public because they should be informed.

Thank you for your socially conscious work that you are doing on behalf of those who have lost their lives or their health as a result of the vaccines during this healthcare crisis.


Mari E. Quates

(424) 221-2660

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

The hospital and the doctors came up with absolutely no solutions or treatment options other then putting her on the ECMO machine for 6 weeks To which they drop the ball and threw her life under the bus. All because they did not want to investigate about her vaccines that she received there at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical center under a Pfizer contract.

What would you like others to know?

People with comorbidities heart issues and other health conditions should consider other treatment options than the vaccines.

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