Natalie Iannucci
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I began experiencing heart palpitations shortly after my second dose. I never had them before but everyone said they weren’t a big deal. Then I started having blurry vision and couldn’t see street signs anymore. Then I started feeling weak, fatigued and off balance which led to my first ever medical leave. Over the next few months I dealt with varying degrees of so many symptoms. I had intractable insomnia for months, full autonomic dysfunction, parasthesias, I had debilitating fatigue and malaise, I had jelly legs, muscle loss, muscle twitches, heavy limbs, weakness in every possible place in my body, intense joint pain, tingling, numbness, burning, weight loss of 25 pounds on an already petite 5’2 frame, internal tremors and vibrations, brain fog, head pressure, dizziness, unsteady gait, blurry vision, tinnitus, sensitivity to light and sound, heart palpitations, and unfortunately I could keep going. This all led to a second medical leave which then led to my resignation as I was housebound and couldn’t work for months.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:29 January 2021
Injury Date:
05 February 2021 -
PA -