Nkechi Dorathy Ezeneche
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I have been a very healthy person, last admission into a hospital was in 2007 for a cesarean delivery for a pregnancy induced hypertension. I have only been on treatment for hypertension only in my life. Only on Amlodipine, bendroflumethiazide and Aspirin. I came into UK unvaccinated in March 2021 very active and healthy.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I had 1st dose I. 20/4/21 and 2nd on 15/6/21but it was soon after the booster jabs on 17/12/21. About 3-4 weeks after, I started feeling shaky on the inside, feeling I may not be able to move my limbs, numbness on the feet, pins and needles, it soon spread all over the body, paraesthesia all over, numbness in the hands and now unbearable pain especially on the limbs, weakness of the limbs, difficulty with walking and working, difficulty in coping with daily activities of living, difficulties with balance and gait, since last week, I am beginning to have problems with my eyes and sight.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
I have used different supplements but to no avail. Few weeks ago, I bought the Therasage suana from US. I have bought infra red slippers for Phytage Laboratories in US.
Infact,all the money I had managed to save for my son's school fees, I have spent all in seeking for stopping further deterioration and possibly reverse damages done already but none seems to be working. Just last week, I tried to contact a functional medicine doctor but I can not afford the cost for now and I don't want to deteriorate much further
Which solutions were not helpful?
Infrared slippers
What would you like others to know?
If there is any further help I can get to help with this situation. My job and sponsorship will be at risk if I am not able to cope with my job.
I need every assistance I can get
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![Nkechi Dorathy Ezeneche](/component/ajax/?p=image&src=%7B%22file%22%3A%22images%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fgravity_forms%2F3-51a1c5193a572e7d2ff009aedaad0f70%2F2022%2F12%2F1670283201051483087601484636290.jpg%22%2C%22thumbnail%22%3A%22610%2C%2C%22%7D&hash=57f4bfa3)
Pfizer Vaccine:17 December 2021
Injury Date:
21 February 2022 -
FR -
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Common Tags
Fatigue 388
Heart Issues 324
Inflammation 318
Muscle or Joint Pain 284
Head Pain 278
Brain Fog 271
Limb Weakness 253
Paraesthesias 245
Neuropathy 229
GI Issues 209
Sleep Issues 188
Tremors or Twitching 178
Tinnitus 159
Autoimmunity 147
POTS 136
Dermatologic 117
Vision Issues 104
Psychiatric 91
Clotting 84
Neurological 32
Menstrual Issues 22
Clotting-Cardiovascular 20
Myocarditis 20
Allergies 7
Dysautonomia 4
Neuropsychiatric 4
Lymphadenopathy 2
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.