Sarah Kesselman
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Most short term side effects lasted about 2 weeks until early January 2022. Chronic pain in legs worsened. I tried to ride the bike again & made it 5 mi. then the next week, 1 mi. So I quit gym & rested. Ran out of breath even sitting down sifting cat box. Completely dependant on delivered groceries. Still can't stand for more than a few minutes. HHV-6 EMV CMV levels are 3x higher than when I was at my most ill with MECFS. I had strange outbursts, still can't think clearly, but then I couldn't do simple math. Usually could not drive (cognitive) shower or dress and was fearful to tell my doctor. Couldn't care for pet or self. Still on bed with debilitating fatigue. Also new urinary problems, from week 1 after booset. Loss of appetite, greyish pallor and finally lack of emotion good or bad, feelings are muted. No p wave seen in doctors office. Heart thumps & skips if upset. No multitasking thinking. As of this month I can cook eggs & clean up, but miss most appointments due to dysautonomia. Menstrual cramps (10 year post menopause) Body is ruined but worse I don't understand much of what I read.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:18 December 2021
Injury Date:
18 December 2021 -
CA -