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Sunniva Hallan

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Healthy. A few migraine attacks during life. Working full time +. Energetic, involved mother and feeling good about life.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

40 minutes after vaccination a waving sensation through my body, dizziness. 50 minutes after I couldn't breathe, my mouth, tongue and throat got swollen. Treated for acute anafylactic shock twice. Then I got paralyzed on my entire left side, including face. The following months I had migraine attacks almost constantly, flimmer before eyes, no energy og consentration, slept a lot. On June 10th 2022 I had a sudden GTK epileptic attack witch I've never experienced before. I cannot exercise, have worked some, but it costs me every power I have. The left side is OK, but I have no energy, have difficulties with memory, looses words I knew before and cannot multitask like before. My life is completely turned upside-down.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

Don't know if anything has helped. Have tried so many, both migraine and epileptic medicines. Seems like it is constant although I haven't had a new generalized epileptic attack since the first and the migraine is less frequent.

Which solutions were not helpful?

The struggle to be heard. No one can explain or acknowledge the symptoms as anything other than atypical and rare.

What would you like others to know?

Find out what this is and come up with solotions to it!
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