Vaccine Injury of Amber
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Normal everyday life, working as a nurse and taking care of my family.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
On January 8, 2021 I received my 3rd covid shot. My previous 2 had been Pfizer and I had no issues. On January 9, my life turned upside down.
My symptoms started with nausea, bloating, and fatigue. It felt like I was going to get my period. My period never came. I missed a couple cycles. During this time I was vomiting and was sleeping whenever I wasn't working. These were my only symptoms for the first month.
I saw my doctor, who told me I was a busy mom of three, and that my symptoms were probably just stress. The next day I broke down at the nurses' station and a doctor had pity on me and squeezed me into her schedule.
By the time of the appointment, I had gotten much worse.
-Numbness and tingling that started in my feet, but over the months went all the way to my hips.
-Nerve pain up the legs.
-Nausea, vomiting, and feeling 'swollen'
-Extreme fatigue, falling asleep at work and at home while caring for my children
-GI issues
-symptoms of dysautonomia. For example, I went from sitting to standing and heart rate went from 70 to 120 and blood pressure plummeted. Always felt close to passing out with any activity.
(I had kept a day by day journal of symptoms, but have since lost it. I don't recall a lot of exact details, because I don't remember much of this period of my life, including my youngest baby's stages of growing up.)
When I saw this second doctor, she was skeptical, but agreed to do labs. All labs came back fine, and she referred me to neurology. Neurology did more tests, including an EEG test and MRIs, as they were concerned about MS. All tests came back negative, and the consensus was that this was a vaccine injury.
I had not connected the vaccine to the symptoms for months, so in the meantime I had vaccinated my children, which I now regret, although they had no ill effects.
I was told there was nothing I could do, and that where I was in a year would be my state forever. As modern medicine had failed me, I did something that I would have laughed at previously. I found information on the Internet about treatments for vaccine or covid effects. With these supplements, my symptoms were at 50% within a week, and within 3 months all symptoms were gone.
My health problems lasted approximately 6 months, but seemed like forever. I count myself fortunate that I have regained my health and my life.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
White Pine Needle Tea
Royal Detox
I have never had trust in alternative medicines, but I was desperate and started all three of these supplements at the same time. I am unsure if one or all of these were the cause of my healing.
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Moderna Vaccine:08 January 2022lot #: 028k21a
Injury Date:
09 January 2022 -
Age at Injury:
32 -
WI -