Vaccine Injury of Brittany Boudreau
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I had just turned 29 and had saw my primary the week previous and had a clean bill of health other than an under active thyroid and PCOS. I was a police officer for 7 years working in Providence RI. I was extremely active working out daily and running consistently.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I was threatened and coerced with threats of losing my job due to a vaccine mandate by the City I am employed by. Firefighters and nurses had til October of 2021 and then they were being fired if they were not fully vaccinated. Two days after the mayor and commissioner were on the news (8/16/21) I was scared of losing my career and went to get the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. I had/have a house, a mortgage, bills and am single so I was under stress to not lose my job. So, I had my first dose on (8/18/21). Two days later I had numb and tingling hands and feet. I went into work the third and fourth day after complaining off tingling and numbness and was given Benadryl by one of the clerks and just ignored the sign that something may be wrong. This continued til the fifth day (8/23/21) when I was driving into work, went to merge in the highway and couldn’t see out of my left eye, now I knew something was very wrong. I managed to make it to the police station and called my partner for help. I almost fell when I exited my vehicle due to severe vertigo, my limbs going numb, pain in the back of my head and neck, pain and pressure behind my eyes, and a squeezing pain in my rib cage. I then went inside to tell a lieutenant what was going on and left to go to the hospital. After 10 grueling hours the hospital released me with telling me to follow up with my primary and a neurologist. I was able to get into my primary the next day (8/24/21) and he prescribed me a 6 day pack of steriods and gabapentin to help with the vision loss and all the other symptoms. My primary sent me to a neurologist who did nerve tests and did MRIs of my brain and cervical and thoracic spine. My MRI’s came back with two lesions in my brain and two active lesions in my neck. I was then told I was being sent to a MS specialist was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis on 9/24/21. Due to the long wait times for appointments the currently neurologist set me up for five days of IV steriods to help calm down the active lesions. I then went and met My MS neurologist and was told that the vaccine exacerbated my MS, filled out a VAERS report and exempted me from all further vaccines. During the months following I was then diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder (antiphospholipid AB), Erythromelagia, Rheumatiod Arthritis in my hands and wrists and Osteo Arthritis in my lumbar spine. The Osteo arthritis now as of 2025 has spread to the entirety of my lumbar spine, I have arthritis on my hips which has caused labral tears and have just been diagnosed with a tiny brain tumor called a Vestibular Schwannoma in 6/2024.
I have not been back to my job as a police officer and was told by all my doctors and specialists that I can no longer do that career. All my doctors (4) have agreed my conditions have been exacerbated by the vaccine. I have been on a paid covid sick leave due to the circumstances but the city will not retire me injured on duty. Over the past three years since diagnosis I have gotten more lesions in my brain and spine (4 brain) and (6 spine). I was on Ocrevus which was not working so I recently switched to Briumvi hoping for a better outcome. My future is still unknown.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Botox has helped with pain and spasticity. Misoprostol has helped with the burning pain in my hands especially during the heat for the Erythromelalgia.
Which solutions were not helpful?
PT every time I have done PT for one of my issues it has just made it worse.
What would you like others to know?
I would like others to stick with their gut and never feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do no matter what it is. A simple “shot” changed my entire life. I continue to advocate for myself for my health and for being compensated for what has been taken from me.
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Moderna Vaccine:18 August 2021lot #: 033B21A
Injury Date:
23 August 2021 -
Age at Injury:
29 -
RI -