C.W. – California
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I am writing this on behalf of my 29-year-old son. before the vaccine he was healthy active and very much in control of his life. The end of March 2021 he got his first Pfizer vaccine. He was experiencing some breathing problems and heart palpitations and took himself to urgent care a few days after the vaccine. They did an EKG and found no abnormalities and sent him home.
After his second Pfizer vaccine in April he went to work for about four days and then we went to the ER with the same symptoms. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fatigue.
He was admitted to the hospital and they did a battery of test another EKG, echocardiogram, a chemical stress test, chest xray and a whole bunch of bloodwork. No abnormalities or problems could be found and after two days he was discharged. At this point he was put out of work until the beginning of July.
A couple of weeks later he again had a severe episode and was admitted to the hospital once again, with more tests and again no results of any problem.
Subsequently we have seen his primary care physician who initially just felt he needed to get out and exercise to build up his stamina!! He tried to just walk his neighborhood for a couple of days and was so fatigued that it wiped him out for the following two days.
His main concerns and symptoms are extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, lightheaded and dizzy, inability to sleep a full night, and brain fog.
We have seen a cardiologist, neurologist, and a new primary care physician that is taking this a little more seriously and has finally coded his disability to a vaccine reaction. However no real help at this time.
Ever since he started having these reactions and symptoms. I was convinced it was vaccine related, however everywhere I mentioned or raised the issue I was told that is not the case. The medical people at that time had not heard about vaccinated people getting the covid long-haul type symptoms
So I tried to use Covid long-haul as our diagnosis, and got a few more people to listen however he did not test positive for Covid this year.
We are pretty sure he had a very mild case of Covid back in April 2020 but never tested positive for it.. So my thought was it could possibly be a residual from the Covid, but I was told that’s not how the long-haul works.
I tried to get him into a number of the current long-haul medical programs but was told by everyone that he would not qualify since he never tested positive for Covid. His current symptoms mirror very closely covid long haul.
He’s had various tests, ultrasound of his liver and kidney, a brain MRI, a sleep study, he is fortunate that he has no organ damage. His heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and brain are all fine… But he still experiences daily all of these side effects and adverse reactions
We tried an acupuncturist with not good results. Did some naturopath a vitamin supplement/chiropractor treatment also not very good results.
I was leaning towards getting him involved in the FLCCC ivermectin protocol, but have been dissuaded from doing that with a number of friends that are in the medical industry. I certainly do not want to make his symptoms worse. But as with everyone I’m sure, we are grasping at any straws that are out there to help get him better.
So at this point we have received no answers and no help.
So my 29-year-old son basically spends his days at home, he does not drive so between me and his girlfriend we take him to doctors appointment. His primary social contact is through online gaming. That allows him at least some form of normalcy. He is now out if work until sept 27, but it’s unlikely he will be able to return to work before the end of the year.
As he has said he has done everything that he should to try and get his body healthy. He became vegan in December of last year. Was relatively active. Worked a full-time job at the same business for the last eight years. Got his vaccine as that was what was recommended.
so we are at a point I’m looking to get some help, and support, from our medical professionals and government.
Like the other people we want to be seen, want to be heard, want to be believed, and we need to start having some actual medical help.
Thank you for what you are doing. I am glad we have found this site. There needs to be more information out there about these kinds of support site to help people get through this.
I continue to research, read, push for treatments or medical acknowledgment of my sons condition.
My hope is that since this is a vaccine related, I am hoping that overtime the vaccine will eventually dissipate from his body, and he might get some type of normal back in his life My concern is I am not sure of what kind of damage short-term/long-term it has done to him. And that’s the scary part right now is no one does know since this is all still very new.
We WILL continue to research, and advocate and raise our voice … as even though we are a very small percentage … we are worthwhile and important!!
-C.W. - California"
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