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Vaccine Injury of HealthCareZero - RM

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Life was great before these events. I used to enjoy fly fishing and camping, had a good job! Enjoyed life.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

See letter below.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

I don't know if I have any my son has been in terrible condition since the vaccine and long covid diagnosis. No one seems to be able to help.

Which solutions were not helpful?

This one is easy, doctors who can't believe what is before their very eyes.

What would you like others to know?

I am writing this letter to let you know about my journey from being what I call a Health Care Hero to a Health Care Zero.
I was employed at the Medical Center by the Clinical Engineering department as BioMedical repair technician. I had been employed at UVA as an outside contractor and employee for almost 10 years.
I enjoyed my job and I was good at it, getting excellent reviews during my time there. I was employed in this capacity when Covid hit. I worked during the entire crisis and on many occasions entered patient rooms that contained people infected with Covid. This was both without effective PPE and training on its use. I complained to my then director about the situation and was ensured that the situation would be corrected. Eventually I contacted Covid on multiple occasions and tested positive in 12/20/2021, 12/14/2022, 12/17,2022 and 8/9/2022.
On or about 8/9/2022 I was diagnosed with Long Covid.
In addition, I was forced to take the Moderna vaccine even though at the time I was very concerned about its safety. My concern with losing my job and with my parents’ endorsement (which they are immensely sorry for today and wish they would have just let me quit my job) made me change my mind. Needless to say, after my 2nd Moderna shot I became immediately ill. I passed out in the stairwell while at work one day and I never felt the same after that. I experienced many unusual and varied symptoms from excessive heart rates in the 150-160 range at rest, pain, numbness, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and PEM (Post exertional malaise), Brain Fog. Too many symptoms to list.
I was forced to take FMLA from work due to my inability to continue to walk as much as I did for my job the dexterity in my hands was shot and I continuously dropped things. I than had to work my way through the maze of short-term disability and eventually into long term disability.
My symptoms never improved and at the writing of this letter I have such fatigue after any exertion that I can sleep for days with excessive brain fog, numbness and pain.
I have gone through a huge list of doctors and most are stymied by what is occurring. No one has any clue on how to help me and I have tried various medications to help. My cardiologist found after wearing a heart monitor that it did not come back normal. Various tests could find nothing indicative of a problem.
I also had a visit with UVA supposed long covid clinic after a referral from my GP. The UVA doctor that I had originally been in discussion with about my problem did not even show up to the appointment. We had a PA who was very knowledgeable and honest about what was going on in the appointment. We did meet with another female doctor who to myself and my dad was ignorant, dismissive and really did not understand or seem to want to understand what people with long covid are going through. I kind of got the impression she thought we were like crazed anti-vaxers, which we have never been. We do however believe we should get safe and effective vaccinations.
Now here is the heart of my letter:
My long term disability claim with Unum was recently closed by UNUM in early October. Unum is going to fight tooth and nail to decline people for this horrible injury. They know that their liability can only increase and they know that it’s in their best interest to make us fight for it. I am in the process of getting an attorney but did you know they take any ware from 25% to 40 % of any money going forward. I get a measly 2700 dollars a month. I have lost everything and moved back in with my parents.
Unum thinks I can go back to work even though my doctors have met with them and stressed that I could not. My one physician Dr. Daniel Sawyer who is an infectious disease expert after meeting with these UNUM doctors don’t know what they are talking about or have very little expertise in this arena. Will I ever get better! No one seems to know. I would take getting better and going back to work any day of the week.
I don’t know many employers could use someone who has maybe one decent day every seven and that is what I experience now.
I have also applied for SSI disability through the Federal Government and have so far been denied. That is a standard practice for them to deny initially and I have an attorney working on that as well.
I want you to know as you sit up there in your executive bubble what you all are ultimately responsible for. How many other UVA employees have been impacted by this from work? How may are being denied claims for disability due to something beyond our control, we pay for Long Term Disability and what do we get for it. Nothing but stalling, denial and fraud from UNUM . And where does UVA stand on this type of action by UNUM, you tout LTD as a benefit but is it really?
I may not be around one day to see it, but I truly believe that one day you all will be held accountable for what has occurred.
I pulled this statement from an Atlanta attorney;
By now we have all heard of “long-COVID,” but the condition remains relatively poorly understood. Medical research is racing to catch up. For as many as 4 million formerly working Americans, it has presented a major life challenge, leaving them feeling exhausted and sickly. Many of them have now been out of work for months or years, not because they want to be, but because they simply cannot perform at the level that their work requires. As is so often the case, a medical disaster then turns into a financial disaster. Our long COVID clients are too sick to work, facing mounting medical bills, and worrying about whether their disability insurance is going to financially protect them as promised.

  • I certify that the statements made in the above submission are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
  • I agree to allow React 19 to share my testimonial publicly on its website, social media, or webinar platforms. I further understand that my testimonial will be posted publicly and React 19 cannot prevent third-parties from sharing it once public.
  • I agree to notify React 19 immediately should I discover inaccuracies in my testimonial in order to maintain the integrity of React 19's advocacy platform.
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.