Vaccine Injury of Heidi
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Things were great. I was far more active, the only pain I had was from a really old back injury and I had a pretty good outlook on life. I was looking forward to what lay ahead for me, and was beginning to look forward to retirement.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I got my first (and only) two doses in March and April, 2021, as soon as I was notified I could get them. I was told I was "high risk" due to obesity and pre-diabetes, plus my age (56 at the time), and with my sister being a nurse and pressuring me, I went ahead and did it. I was somewhat skeptical, but I didn't believe that drug companies would intentionally try to hurt their customers, so I didn't believe most of the negative things I read about the so-called "vaccines". In May, or about 6 weeks after my second dose, my husband and I were camping, and I noticed my feet hurting when we tried hiking. I didn't think too much of it at the time, but it was noticeable. During the next 10 months, I would have transient pains here and there, but again, being 56 years old you chalk them up to age. Then in March, 2022, I woke up and my hands were beet red, swollen, and I couldn't bend my fingers or use my hands at all. This made me nervous, so I immediately went to Urgent Care. The doctor there said it looked like arthritis, so they ordered labs that confirmed it. I got an "emergency" appointment to visit a rheumatologist the next day, and he said it was likely caused by the so-called "vaccine", and I've been under his care ever since.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
There are none, as rheumatoid arthritis is permanent and gradually worsens with time. I just have to learn to live with it. For me, avoiding salt and eating a ketogenic/ketovore diet helps to keep painful flares at bay. I take immune-boosting supplements (Vitamin D, K2, Magnesium, Potassium and Zinc) to help prevent illness from the immuno-compromising side effects of my RA medications.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Icing stiff, sore joints to try to relieve inflammation. It makes it so much more painful. Taking the above immunity boosting supplements also exacerbates my RA, as RA is an auto-immune disorder, treated by suppressing the immune system. It's a Catch-22. Either I'm sick all the time, but my RA is better controlled, or I try to keep myself healthy, but suffer from frequent flares.
What would you like others to know?
I've had Covid. It was no big deal. I'm now immuno-compromised due to the rheumatoid arthritis medications I have to take, so for me if I got Covid again, the symptoms would be even worse. The "vaccine" was not worth it because now I get every single illness that comes down the pike.
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Pfizer Vaccine:21 March 2021
Pfizer Vaccine:21 April 2021
Injury Date:
14 May 2021 -
Age at Injury:
56 -
MN -