J.B. – New York
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
My husband is a long-hauler, has issues with his kidneys, prostrate, pulmonary issues, immune issues, gastrointestinal issues. He took the first Pfizer vaccine on June 22, 2021, he was sick for 3 days, with body aches, low-grade fevers, joint pain, cold sweats, he had swelling on his right leg, gastrointestinal issues. He took the 2nd Pfizer shot on July 13, 2021, he was sick for 5 days, two weeks later his left leg swelled up the size of a water balloon. I took him to the emergency room on 9/3/2021 at NYP, he has DVT in his left leg stemmed from the Pfizer vaccine. According to the ER attending, physician the Pfizer vaccine attacked my husband's immune system, accelerating issues with his kidneys, lungs, blood, gastrointestinal, and prostate. He was prescribed Elliquis a blood thinner for the blood clot, he has to be on this medication for 8-12 months. My husband was very healthy, prior to the vaccine and covid-19, his immune is destroyed. The ER doctor consulted with three other ER doctors and they all conquered that my husband should not take the booster shot.
-JB - New York"
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