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J.V. – Washington

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This is my father's experience. I'm sharing because he is unable. My name is K in Kentucky.

Pressured by my uncle with all the propaganda we are hearing now about the unvaccinated spreading the variant and upon threat of being DISOWNED, my 81 year old father, who already survived Covid & for years has suffered from a blood clotting disorder, went to Walmart to get his shot. They gave him the Pfizer.

He felt a little dizzy that day- not too bad but “off”. He did some push-ups. He works hard to keep up his strength, even 600 squats/day on good days. That evening he went to the bathroom & lost all control of his bowels & legs, collapsing on the bathroom floor. His Gf found him an hour later. She couldn’t lift him & he had no strength. She called my aunt & together they couldn’t lift him. They knocked door to door in the neighborhood to find help, and after another hour found someone who was able to lift my dad & put him on the bed. The next morning He was able to use a walker to lift himself but was still very weak. I begged him to go to the ER. When he got there they immediately began insisting the vaccine wouldn’t do this to him. They discovered through scans that his legs were filled with blood clots. They administered blood thinners and put him under observation & discovered blood clots were rapidly forming. I told the doctors the spike proteins cause this but they said they haven’t seen it yet so don’t believe it. They are seeing it now!

After my dad regained enough strength to walk with a walker, they sent him home with injections he must take twice day in his stomach to try to get ahead of the clotting. They wanted to admit him for longer but he wanted to go home.. I am 2500 miles away & can only help him over the phone, but am scheduled to move him back here in 3 weeks. Dr said he can’t travel now but maybe in 3 weeks. I don’t know what will happen right now.

He says he is gradually regaining his strength. He still needs a walker but he says he feels a little better every day. He will need his blood drawn next week to check on the progress of the slowing down of the clots, but we are concerned about the dangers from the clots that are there. He refuses to get the 2nd shot and wishes he wasn't bullied into getting the first. He had decided not to get it and then was threatened by my uncle, who denies the vaccine had anything to do with his hospitalization.

-J.V. - Washington"

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