Vaccine Injury of Jodi Morrison
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Life before the Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine.....
I didn't have Functional Neurological Disorder.
My brain and nervous system worked properly. I didn't have to retrain and rewire my brain and nervous system on a daily basis to rebuild what the vaccine destroyed. I had to retrain my brain to walk again to use my hands properly. Even though I no longer have to use a walker, my legs get heavy and I have to speak to them to move or function. It's very hard to walk fast or run(legs get extremely weak). I didn't have chronic pain and horrible brain pressure daily. I didn't have seizure activity. My vision worsen. I didn't have vertigo problems. My mental health was highly affected. I was able to understand and communicate properly. I was able to spell easy words without a problem. My memory was not as bad as it is now. I was able to problem solve and multi task. I was able to use my hands and arms for a long period of time without them cramping up and locking, becoming numb, or having electrical shocks sensations. I did not have such severe limitations that I do now and levels of exhaustion and fatigue that are the result of overdoing. I was able to go to functions and events without overstimulating my brain with hearing sensitive or light sensitive or exhaustion. My brain requires a lot of rest and recovery. I was able to travel. I was able to go do fun adventures that I am not able to do now. I was able to have conversations with family and friends that didn't wipe me out that caused me to be in the bed. I was able to work. I was able to read a book without my brain being overstimulated. I didn't have to go through bankruptcy due to the financial hardships. I had more freedom to do things with my health than I do now. I wasn't mandated to get the vaccine to keep my employment. I lost my health insurance with my employer and had to pay out of pocket for private health insurance. I am still trying and hoping for remission if its in my future. I had to create an entire new life. The life I had before the vaccine no longer exists. I am grateful that I am alive.
What would you like others to know?
I got the vaccine at 1:45pm. I had a very strong metal taste in my mouth at 3:00pm. I started to feel a very different sensation in my body. Around 10:30pm, I had severe severe head pressure and head pain. The next morning I could hardly lift my head off the pillow and could hardly see to text my boss that I could not work. I was severely sick and lethargic. I developed pneumonia. The electrical shocks in my arms, shoulders, and neck were so strong I had to sleep upright. Typing at work caused me level 10 pain in my arms. I was taken to hospital due to symptoms getting worse. I walked into hospital and left with a walker, that is how fast is was growing.. I had 8 MRIs, CT Scan, Nerve Study, Spinal Tap test. I was finally referred to UT Southwestern Neurology group and was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder. I had to use a walker for a 1 1/2 years. I had to go through physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and cognitive therapy. I am completing alternative therapies due to financial problems. I am still in the process of retraining my brain and nervous system to work properly. I had to become my own advocate for my journey to recovery.
I was mandated to take the vaccine for employment, I took it to keep my job, the vaccine caused my brain's software to shut down, and I haven't seen any help from anyone. I feel I have been left behind.
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Johnson-Johnson Vaccine:18 August 2021
Injury Date:
18 August 2021 -
Age at Injury:
50 -
TX -