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Vaccine Injury of Karyna Lemus

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

I was perfectly healthy. I'm the mother of a 16 year old boy and we enjoyed walking and hiking, going to the movies, going out to eat, going swimming, and just being out and about all the time after work and school.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

After the vaccine, my quality of life was destroyed and as the weeks go by with no improvement in sight, I lose hope that I'll ever get my life back. I suffer from extreme fatigue, panic attacks, full body aches and malaise, muscle twitching, severe neck pain, and random hot flashes in my upper back. Some days I wish I wouldn't wake up.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

CBG oil.

What would you like others to know?

I was trying to do the right thing to protect my family and community, and now my life is ruined. Just because we are the unlucky minority doesn't mean we should be pushed aside and dismissed. We deserve to be taken seriously and to receive effective treatment and compensation for what we have endured just for following directions during this pandemic.

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