M.W. – Wisconsin
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
First, I was not planning to receive ANYTHING that had not passed full FDA testing. Seemed like a logical position to take, even in the face of growing vaccination mandates by nursing homes and other entities. My wife and I decided to receive the Pfizer vaccine based on our research, and we received our second injection in late June. First injection was a non-event for both, but the day after my second injection, I briefly lost consciousness after returning from a fishing excursion. I remain certain that this was caused by the vaccine, but the episode was brief, and I felt well enough to return home without medical attention. Since that second vaccination, I have been ""a little off"", and had significantly less energy and strength to do the things I had been doing without issue. I also experienced episodes of significant fatigue and determined that I had an erratic heart rate concurrent with these episodes. When I recognized the heart rate was concurrent with the fatigue, I went to my doctor. ECG showed no abnormalities, and my doctor suggested it could be a symptom of having contracted COVID virus, but acknowledged that he did not have enough information to tie the condition to either the virus or the vaccine. The simple fact is that the medical community does not have enough information to make diagnoses, with certainty, relative to adverse vaccination impacts. More interesting is that there is no clear effort to study adverse impacts, and that seems even less likely considering recent full FDA approval of this vaccine.
I recently retired and have remained active since retirement, at times performing hard labor for hours on end on our property, as well as the more highly anticipated recreational activities. My energy level is lower, overall, since vaccination, even when my heart rate is not erratic. Blood labs showed no abnormalities, and ECG was normal, which is good news for me. Erratic heart rate is occurring less frequently, and I am currently working with my doctor to determine if treatment of condition is warranted. I have not reported my condition on VAERS, but plan to, once information is collated and officially reported to me as a ""diagnosis"".
I consider myself pro-vaccine (decided to get this one), but do not receive flu shots because the variants are unpredictable, and I have not seen sufficient evidence to prove efficacy (another example of lack of study). That position has been cemented for me, given my Pfizer vaccine experience. I also will not acquire any COVID boosters.
I operated, and supported operation of, nuclear reactors in both the Navy and commercial utility industry since the early eighties, so I consider myself ""pro-science"". The limited side-effect information, as well as limited interest in determining what adverse impacts were actually caused by the vaccine, is disappointing. It would appear that CDC and FDA are little more than pawns of the political machine, capable of nothing more than suggestions and approvals directed by those in positions of power.
My wife and I decided the vaccination was worth the risk, based on the information we reviewed. I know my condition was caused by the vaccine, and I believe it will shorten my life. I also know I cannot prove it. The risks associated with contraction of COVID, did not turn out to be worth consequences I've experienced with the vaccine, and I simply encourage everyone to make an informed decision for themselves. I will get to bear whatever financial outcome there is from the vaccination, and since it was my decision, I guess that is fair.
-M.W. - Wisconsin"
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