Vaccine Injury of Marlene Duncan-Helm
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I was a healthy 58 year old woman. My type 2 diabetes was in remission & rarely got sick. I had a good attitude and life was happy.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Initial vaccinations were April 18, 2021 & May 16, 2021, with a booster on January 13, 2022. I was unsure about getting it but my work “encouraged” it with anticipation of going back into the office following the pandemic. I tested positive for COVID around October 9, 2021. I went on short-term disability early February 2022 eventually going on long-term August 2022. Have not been able to go back to work at all.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
My type 2 diabetes was in remission until I became ill. It is still not in good control. This is a common condition but Ozempic with Jardiance is helping. I am NOT overweight & endocrinologist wants to make sure I don’t lose too much weight.
Which solutions were not helpful?
People & doctors do not believe I am truly sick. I feel like a zombie & my depression with extreme anxiety is through the roof.
What would you like others to know?
Try to get an advocate on your side. I went to doctors & testing for over a year. I believed I could handle on my own but my memory & mental capacity is 25% of what it used to be. I enlisted my sister to advocate for me after suicidal ideations.
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Moderna Vaccine:18 April 2021lot #: 001C21A
Moderna Vaccine:16 May 2021lot #: 001C21A
Moderna Vaccine:13 January 2022lot #: 069H21A
Injury Date:
18 April 2021 -
Age at Injury:
58 -
CO -