Vaccine Injury of Melissa Sikes
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
For over 20 years I worked as a nurse helping people who were sick or dying. I worked hard for 20 years and felt like I had a pretty great career, was making a great living with that career, had a lot of respect, and basically felt like I was living the dream. I was working at an outpatient surgery center working in the OR and PACU and running the pharmacy when COVID hit. Since we were not an emergency facility, we were forced to close our doors and not perform surgeries until there was no longer a threat. Most of us who worked there were the primary income for our families. So, there it was, our little Disney World was closed until things settled.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
When the shot came out, we were told that if we wanted to go back to work that we were all required by the government and the state to take the shot. Those that did not receive the covid shot were NOT allowed to work or perform patient care. So of course I didn’t have a choice. I mean I’ve been a nurse for 20 years and have no other skill set or education. What else am I supposed to do. We were told that the symptoms after receiving the shot were just like with the flu shots that we are also required to receive for our jobs. The media and vaccine enthusiasts keep encouraging us saying that it will also keep our family safe if we get the shot. My dad has MS, and my sister was pregnant with her third child so of course I didn’t want them to get sick, so I figured that since I only had hypothyroidism, I was healthy enough to be the first in my family to get the vaccine.
I lined up with the rest of the sheep to do my duty knowing that my government and the healthcare system would never steer me wrong. I’ll do what I’m told so that I can keep my job and keep my family healthy. I waited the 15 minutes afterward and took the ibuprofen that was offered and went home.
3 hours after receiving my vaccine, I became extremely tired and had a horrible headache that turned into a migraine. I asked my husband to take care of the kids so that I could rest a while. The next thing I knew, I had been asleep for 14 hours straight. I woke up that next morning with severe fatigue, muscle/joint pain, and irritability. I figured that would be the worst of the symptoms and I could just take it easy for the day. Later that evening, I began shaking terribly. I figured I was just cold. I took 400mg of Ibuprofen and started to get a sweatshirt out of my closet when my legs got worse. I started shaking more violently and fell in my closet. I tried yelling for my husband but couldn’t get the words to come out. I couldn’t talk. I forced my arms to grab hold of the carpet and pull my body toward the bed. I used all the strength I had to pull myself up on the bed and grab the blankets. I felt like I was in shock. My body was shaking and freezing to death. I felt every nerve in my body firing off at the same time. I knew I wasn’t having a seizure because I was aware of my surroundings, I just couldn’t talk or stop the shaking. I was able to finally take a deep breath and moan as loud as I could to get my family’s attention. My husband and sons came running in and didn’t know what to do. My husband grabbed all the blankets he could find, and he and the boys got in bed with me to try and warm me up. I was only able to moan to communicate. I continued to have violent chills, and my face, arms, and legs became numb. I looked down to my hands and saw that they were white and both them and my feet were cold. I knew I was having vasoconstriction to my extremities, my heart was racing with tachycardia, and I was having palpitations. I knew my body was in shock and was so scared I was going to die. Still, I was unable to communicate. The whole event lasted about 15 to 20 minutes before the shaking completely stopped. After it was over, I had severe fatigue, sweating, and midline body heat that made me feel like I would combust. My husband just held me not knowing what to do other than what he was doing. I finally fell asleep and woke a couple of hours later feeling like my body was on fire and finally able to start to speak again. Right after the only symptom I had noticed was that my hands and feet remained cold. I figured that since my heart rate had returned to normal and I was no longer shaking that I would be fine. I was so wrong.
That next week after speaking with one of our surgeons at work, he said that my reaction was my body building up immunity to the vaccine and that it was a good reaction. Well, it did not feel good!
In the weeks and months following, the surgery center closed, and we were all forced to find new employment. During that time, I developed neurological symptoms of numbness to my extremities, pain to my joints and muscles, loss of balance, expressive aphasia, severe memory loss and brain fog, and inability to control my extremities. I figured this was due to stress from the surgery center closing and I didn’t want to spend the money on medical bills. Over the next couple of years, I started having even worse pain and fatigue. Finally in December of 2023 I became much worse and was having difficulty not only working but also caring for myself and my family. I was so lethargic that I had a hard time getting out of bed to pee. My husband worked full time and took over caring for the house, our boys, and caring for me as well. All my lab work and scans came back normal, and no one knew what was wrong with me. I even went to a psychologist thinking it was just major depression that was causing my pain and fatigue, but the psychologist said I did not have depression or anxiety. In the summer of 2024, I started having palpitations and my heart rate jumped into the 160s. I was referred to a cardiologist. All my cardiac tests also came back normal. So now I had horrible acid reflux, chronic fatigue, tachycardia, palpitations, neuropathy, falling, brain fog, memory loss, shortness of breath after eating or on exertion, dizziness, light sensitivity, temperature sensitivity, hypoglycemia, joint and muscle pain, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. My doctors do not know exactly what is wrong with me and do not like whenever I mention my reaction to the covid shot. I can no longer provide patient care, so I was unable to work after January of 2024. I have been a clinical instructor for a local nursing program which has been my saving grace, although, I continue to have difficulty functioning at my full potential. I am unable to do housework like I used to, and I am rarely able to travel out of town due to the amount of energy used to drive or travel inside the car. It’s very hard to explain how tiring just existing can be. I wake up every morning and have a routine that I must perform and if I don’t, then I can’t function at all.
What would you like others to know?
From the limited research I have performed, I have realized that based on my symptoms and the reaction I had from my covid shot, I have autonomic dysfunction. I do not have an actual diagnosis yet because I do not want to have more expensive testing performed that my family and I cannot afford right now. I put my husband and boys on the back burner while trying to find out what is wrong with me, and they have suffered. I am determined to heal myself naturally and with much prayer. I put my trust in the system, and the system turned its back on me. From now on I will do what I should have always done and that is put my trust only in God. I ask that He will help me not only with my health, but also with the anger that I hold toward the government and healthcare system that was supposed to take care of me. I gave the system 20 years of my life and dedication caring for others instead of caring for my family or myself. My kids grew up mostly without a mom because of long on call shifts that took up my time and energy. I have finally decided to give them the mom that they deserve and my husband the wife he deserves.
My prayers go out to all those who are continuing to have the lasting effects from the covid vaccine. I hope and pray that we can all be healed, and that we can have our voices heard. Love and prayers to you all!
Sincerely with love,
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Moderna Vaccine:15 January 2021lot #: 041L20A
Injury Date:
16 January 2021 -
Age at Injury:
38 -
TX -