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Vaccine Injury of Michael Livigni

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

I was active and physically fit. I had no pre-existing conditions and was diligent in my yearly physicals. I eat an organic, mediterranean style diet, and used to work out several times a week.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Started with pelvic floor muscle pain in July 2021 that I am currently still experiencing. Later in 2022 I started to experience muscle twitching and myclonic jerks. In 2023 I started to experience muscle and joint pain that has gotten worse until the present day. I am able to walk but with more difficulty as timee progresses. I have painful hands, limbs, and feet that seems to "move around". I also have what I call nerve zaps throughout my body but mostly in the limbs. I am typing this in December of 2024. Symptoms seems to flair and get worse.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

I have found no real solutions to my pain and current condition. I have seen several neurologists, rheumatologists, and medical doctors who have no explanation or diagnosis.

Which solutions were not helpful?

People telling me I look fine!!

What would you like others to know?

I am in pain most of the time and struggle to remain positive. I would hope doctors recognize this as an illness and not say it's anxiety related. IT"S NOT!!

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