P.R. – Oregon
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I recieved the Pfizer shot on August 21, 2021. 1 day before my 52 bday. I do have a rare type of psoriasis, Palmer's Pustular, and expected a bit of a flare. What happened to me starting approximately 3 days later was/is so much worse.
Teeth pain. I scheduled an emergency appointment w my dentist for EXTREME teeth pain. I thought they were falling out. I paid for a full exam. NOTHING is wrong w my teeth.
I was seen in immediate care for rapid heartbeat, slurred or the inability to speak and a host of other things in the list below. They sent me to the ER.
My roommate, mom, stepfather- all thought I was having a stroke on several occasions. Apparently I haven't.
Immediate care sent me to the ER for suspected brain inflammation (the hospital/ER that the news keeps saying is full of ppl dying in hallways- the ER was actually empty). I got a room right away. CT scan right away. Then a neuro test of physical abilities. EVEN THO I cld not talk normally the Dr there blamed it on stress. Nothing showed in my CT so I must just be stressed. WHAT?!!!
I am 52 years old. Stress does NOT effect me this way. My symptoms:
Extreme teeth pain
Rapid heartbeat for days
Agitation- REALLY BAD
Brain fog
Brain glitch
Shaking constantly
Dropping things
Losing words
Unable to speak at all for periods of time
Losing thoughts mid sentence
Loss of motor control/tremors
Loss of appetite
Loss of thirst
Sweating- unusually
Psoriasis flare
Bleeding feet
Fingernail flare- psoriasis
Crying uncontrollably
OCD symptoms
My roommate got the same shot, same day. We went together. He has not had any unusual side effects, yet. However after watching me has opted out of the 2nd jab.
My symptoms have finally backed off. I still cannot speak right tho, bad jitters and 1 of my psoriasis meds stopped working all together. I had to change the topical I use.
I'm also now on a VERY HIGH dose of a med called Cyclosporine to control my skin. I went from 2400mgs a week over this last year and a half, down to only 200mgs a week. BIG DIFFERENCE and my skin was clear. I'm back up to 2400mgs a week again. Flaring/bleeding and working on getting that back under control.
After all this my pcp says there is no medical evidence that I cannot take the 2nd dose. WTF?! So, in order to do that, she will reach out to my other Specialists so they can ramp up my meds even more- just to handle another jab. On my card it said I had to have my 2nd dose by 9/11. She told me that window is a *suggestion* so ppl get back in. I can get a 2nd dose months from now if I want. That is SO misleading!! Ppl think they have this window of time and that's a lie.
I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT GET ANOTHER SHOT! Something so messed up is going on. I hate this!!...
-P.R. - Oregon"
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