T.H. – Florida
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
My mother, age 76, got the vaccine on March 17. She has made a nosedive into confusion, balance problems, brain fog. She can no longer remember how to take her own insulin. We begged her not to take the shot because she already had, and recovered from, Covid. Her symptoms were no worse than a typical flu.
Post jab she is not the same. She fell and broke her back. She is so confused. Worse, she claims she is ""two different people "" now.
My mother was a tough woman. A lifelong firefighter and paramedic, a former racecar driver, a hunter. She is not a weak person. I don't even know who this woman is anymore!
That vaccine is going to hasten her death. I doubt she will live out the year.
This is a crime against humanity !
For the love of God, don't take this.
-T.H. - Florida"
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