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Lisa Uhl

Vaccine Injury of Lisa Uhl

Maryland, United States
Date of Injury: 26 February 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
2/26/21- I received my second Pfizer Covid vaccine. I waiting the 15 minutes and then drove off the lot. At 20 minutes after the vaccine, we pulled...
John G. Moisan (on Behalf Of Sylvia Moisan)

Vaccine Injury of Sylvia Moisan

South Dakota, United States
Date of Injury: 22 March 2021

Vaccine: Moderna

Vaccine Injury of Niccolo Conti

Date of Injury: 05 May 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
State of well-being until the summer of 2021. First dose of Pfizer Comirnaty anti-covid19 vaccine (lot: FC3558) on 05/25/2021 with subsequent devel...

Vaccine Injury of Tom Witter

Kansas, United States
Date of Injury: 21 May 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
10/12/20 Contracted Covid 1/1/21 - Cytokine Storm after shoveling snow 1/6 and 1/19/21 ER visits for massive body inflammation and inability to mov...
Christina Hackman Fible

Vaccine Injury of Christina Hackman Fible

Indiana, United States
Date of Injury: 06 April 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
April 6th, I received my first Moderan shot. (lot# 021B21A) Within a few hours I had a headache and felt exhausted. My left arm was very sore. More...

Vaccine Injury of Trevor Ireland

Mississippi, United States
Date of Injury: 01 October 2022

Vaccine: Moderna
I tested positive for Covid on August 9th, 2021. I had a terrible case of bilateral Covid pneumonia, it almost killed me. By the end of September m...

Vaccine Injury of Barbara Johnson

California, United States
Date of Injury: 21 November 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
Booster by Pfizer was given in November 2021, 5 days later I found myself paralyzed literally & in excruciating pain. It was too much of a coin...

Vaccine Injury of JSH

Tennessee, United States
Date of Injury: 24 October 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
10/24/2021- Moderna booster shot 10/24/2021-Leg started hurting 10/25/2021- Became sick with flu like symptoms, tested Negative for Covid, PCP call...

Vaccine Injury of Dave Oliphant

South Carolina, United States
Date of Injury: 28 January 2022

Vaccine: Pfizer
Pfizer Covid vaccine March and April 2021 and Pfizer booster on January 6 2022. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms after April 2021. Tested January 28,...

Vaccine Injury of Michelle Matar

Virginia, United States
Date of Injury: 07 May 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
First Vaccine: Received the initial dose of the vaccine. Second Vaccine: Administered the second dose of the vaccine to complete the vaccination se...
Rachel D'Arcy

Vaccine Injury of Rachel D

Pennsylvania, United States
Date of Injury: 16 March 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
March 16th, 2021, a few weeks after my second dose of the Moderna vaccine (Feb 19), I got weird fuzziness in my eyes, which I thought was the start...

Vaccine Injury of Bobby Krum

Iowa, United States
Date of Injury: 01 October 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
May 2021 hip hurts July 2021 vaccinees Oct 2021 ER Visit found maybe back problem? Pain and loss of mobility 2022 2023 found a problem in the neck ...

Vaccine Injury of Lance Varin

New York, United States
Date of Injury: 18 December 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
I was vaccinated on December 18th 2021 after going for a checkup with my primary care physician. I had covid already and was fine but during my vis...

Vaccine Injury of NHegazy Kaashoek

Date of Injury: 20 March 2022

Vaccine: Pfizer
Na vaccin gingen we naar Maleisie(35 graden). Toen ik terugkwam had ik tintelingen in heel mijn onderbenen en in mijn handen After the vaccine we ...

Vaccine Injury of David Hernandez

Florida, United States
Date of Injury: 12 April 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
December 2020 and January 2021, I completed 2 separate complete medical physicals (for work and health plan), which I passed with flying colors and...

Vaccine Injury of Sarah Brochey

New York, United States
Date of Injury: 14 March 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
I went to my local pharmacy for the first vax. I waited 15 minutes afterwards, and felt ok but was dizzy. I went straight home and went to bed. I c...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher Stone Lamb

California, United States
Date of Injury: 08 May 2021

Vaccine: Moderna
I started feeling dizziness, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, headaches, within hours of my Second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Largely bedr...

Vaccine Injury of Mark Hendsbee

Alaska, United States
Date of Injury: 19 November 2021

Vaccine: Pfizer
In April of 2021 I received the first two covid vaccines on separate dates. This was uneventful. I received the shots in my left deltoid and there ...