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R.H. – Texas

Texas, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"8/2/21My name is Rachel. I’m 24 years old, and I took my first Pfizer vaccine June 21st. On the 26th, I spent 12 hours in the ER due to chest pain...

E.E. -Washington

Washington, United States
"8/2/21After receiving the J&J jab on May 22, 2021, I had an autoimmune flare. Multiple joint pain, tachycardia, brisk reflexes, myoclonus, sti...

S.L. – California

California, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"8/2/21Testimony from a healthy 47 year old female who has never had any adverse reaction towards any meds or vaccines before:17 days after 2nd dos...

B.M. – Missouri

Missouri, United States
"7/30/21Ever since I got my first Covid shot in May my right arm has constantly hurt in the area that they gave me about the shot and I don’t know ...

R.W. – Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"8/2/21I was pro vaccine and signed up willingly for the shot. However, after my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, I developed neurological sympto...

M.B. – California

California, United States
"8/2/21""Instant dementia."" My Mother who is 83 is recovering from a recent stroke, and has atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure which must...

A.F. – Florida

Florida, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"8/2/21I’m a healthy male in my 40’s. I had the Pfizer vaccine back in April. Shortly after the vaccine, I kept noticing pain in random parts of my...

D.J. – B.C.

Vaccine: Moderna
"8/2/21Healthy, fit, 39 year old female; no medical issues. ​1st moderna shot;following day: Sore arm, tired.. nothing unusual5 weeks 1 day later; ...

M.C. – Nebraska

Nebraska, United States
"8/2/21Hi my name is Marilyn. I received the Moderno vaccine the first week of January 2021. I worked as a pharmacy technician in the local town ph...

D.D. – New Jersey

New Jersey, United States
Vaccine: Moderna
"8/2/21I had psoriasis on my elbows for years. Nevef had any issues other than that.On June 20 I received the j&j vaccine.On July 1. Exactly 3 ...

S.G. – Ontario

Vaccine: Pfizer
7/3/21"On May 2nd 2021 I received the Pfizer vaccine. That same night I had a severe headache with burning in my hands and feet, my calves were swo...

A.S. – Nova Scotia

Vaccine: Moderna
7/4​/21On May 27 I received my first shot of Moderna. The procedure was quick and painless and I had no immediate reactions. As expected my arm bec...

J.Z. – Wisconsin

Wisconsin, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
7/4/21I am a 59 year old female with some pre-existing conditions: celiac, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and NASH, b...

J.Q. – Texas

Texas, United States
7/4/21My wife and I both took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on May 20th of this year after two days we were both struck with weakness diarrhea ...

S.K. – Virginia

Virginia, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
7/3/21I had my second dose of Pfizer vaccine on February 22, 2021. At first, I had the usual reactions like low fever and low energy. But after 4 d...

V.W. – Ontario

7/3/21​I received the COVID vaccine around 8pm on June 1st, around 1am that evening I woke up with numbness/tingly feeling on my left leg, arm and ...

L.C. – Oregon

Oregon, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"7/3/21​I had no health issues prior to the vaccine. I received the Pfizer Vaccine in January and two weeks later in February. Within 5 days my hea...

E.N. – California

California, United States
Vaccine: Pfizer
"7/3/21​I spent my birthday in the hospital after my health rapidly declined following my vaccination.I have multiple prior chronic health issues b...