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Purple Out!

October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month

Join us as we raise awareness all month long by making our profile picture purple. Use the photo frame below to make a customized profile picture, or simply make your profile photo the purple color. 

This will help us find our purple people. Those who are harmed and see.

Other steps you can take:

Demand your elected representatives defend your right to talk about your vaccine injury. Send them a letter telling them you DO exist and you are not misinformation.

Share your story on social media and state clearly that you are not misinformation.

Profile Picture Generator

The profile picture frame generator for your social media account

Now, select an image from your device by clicking the "Choose File" button.



More Purple-Out Downloads

Why the color purple?

Purple symbolizes the intersection of politically conservative and politically liberal, red and blue. Our goal is to continue to grow our purple community, with a central mission of putting humanity before political bias, truth before propaganda, compassion before apathy.

React19 Endorsed by the following Patient Advocacy Organizations.