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Literature Reviews & Surveys

A wide variety of science has been created that’s relevant to the Covid-19 vaccines. React19 has curated articles here for review. Click here for our extensive list of Covid Research Articles.

German researchers find possible biosignature for “Post Vax Syndrome” using auto-antibody and inflammatory labs. The clinical picture referred to by the scientists as post-acute COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PACVS) is very similar to ME/CFS, Pots and MCAS, but study results show PAC...
Neurologic Complications With Vaccines: What We Know, What We Don't, and What We Should Do - Dr. Avindra Nath (NIH) - First published April 25, 2023 Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have evaluated neurological side-effects to the Covid vaccines. While this t...
Scientific Publications Directory Collection of peer reviewed case reports and studies citing adverse effects post COVID vaccination. Researching Covid vaccine adverse events can be daunting in part due to a broad myriad of factors. Primarily, the information is incredibly challenging to find. He...
Published: 03 December 2022
Part 1: Spike Protein Lit Review   |   Part 2: Deeper Dive - The S1 Segment   |   Part 3: Persistence of Spike In the Body     Part 1: Spike Protein Lit Review 1st indicator that the spike protein was a problem is by looking at the vaccin...
Published: 08 August 2022
Post-Vac-Syndrome Germany is an organization with over 1500 members affected by Post COVID Vaccination Syndrome, which focuses on medical and scientific understanding of these diseases. Our friends at Post-Vac Syndrome Germany have completed a survey of almost 800 of those affected, which w...
Patient-led survey of people experiencing persistent neurological symptoms after COVID vaccination. Participants suffering side-effects 1-12 months post Covid vaccination. Survey 2 Persistent Symptoms Survey #2 (pdf)
Patient-led survey of people experiencing persistent neurological symptoms after COVID vaccination Our first patient-led survey consisted of 508 participants who were suffering lasting neurological symptoms post COVID vaccination. This survey focused on demographics, symptoms, and outlook. We ...
Dearly Discarded and Shaun Barcavage discuss the new NIH study on neurological reactions post vaccine !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://r...
This compiled research article from our German partners may shine light on one of the mechanisms behind post-vaccine syndromes ... which may in turn point to possible solutions. Read the full PDF here > Excerpt below:A certain group of autoantibodies that are frequently found in post covid...
MIS-Children and MIS-Adults were first recognized as a serious sequela to COVID-19.  It is a poorly understood, underreported, hyperinflammation of multiple organ systems following COVID infection.  It is often not diagnosed in a timely manner.  MIS is defined as: Individual pre...