When the people at React 19 heard my story and reached out, I found a sense of community and belonging. It was a group led by physicians, working with vaccine injured Americans working to understand what was happening with our bodies and fighting to help other injured people get support.
It broke my heart as i soon realized that although my injury was debilitating, it was nowhere near as devastating as the paralyzed children now reliant on wheelchairs, the parents unable to care for their family as they battled injuries of their own, or even worse, the mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who now had an unfillable void from the loss of their child or sibling due to heart failure.
I knew at that point I needed to help the others who were also affected by the Covid 19 Vaccines. The first time we arrived in Washington, DC I naively believed we would be able to meet with the politicians at the helm, and get these injured Americans both recognition and financial support. I was ignorant to both the failings of the process, and the level of corruption we would encounter along the way.
We are fighting an immense uphill battle, but it is a battle that will be won in time. We have the data, stories, and evidence on our side. What we need now is awareness of just how badly the government has failed those willing to roll up their sleeves.
This is not only about getting help for the people who have been harmed already, but also getting the protections in place for the people who will be hurt in the future. I hope my time and efforts in DC will give the vaccine injured a sense of representation and hope.
“We are fighting an immense uphill battle, but it is a battle that will be won in time. We have the data, stories, and evidence on our side.”
I truly believe it will be a great opportunity to inform the public and uninformed politicians of what we have encountered on Capitol Hill. With enough transparency we can overcome the corruption and watch the truth win.
We now have the opportunity to make a ripple that will extend decades into the future. The vaccine companies and the government need to be held accountable for their failings. We are the light they fear will expose their shadows.
I am very excited to take on this fight for the injured and I appreciate all of you who are willing to support us in this journey. Below you will find more information regarding the two House bills we are working to get approved to help the Vaccine injured.
Sincerely, Kyle Warner