Tagged with: Neuropathy
Vaccine Injury of KM
1st dose Pfizer Dec 2020-anticipated adverse reactions for the first 48hrs (fever,fatigue,sweats). 7 days out 48 hours of profound dizziness and nausea. 2nd dose Pfizer Jan 2021-anticipated reactio...
Vaccine Injury of Assetou Cisse-Smith
I received the 1st vaccine on January 22, 2021, and the debilitating pain and other symptoms started 4 days later January 26, 2021. I went to my doctor’s office the next day. They prescribed a pain...
Vaccine Injury of Teresa Porter
1st covid vaccine- 4-14-21, 2nd covid vaccine 5-12-22, 3rd covid vaccine w/ flu vaccine 11-19-21. I was a willing to do my duty as an American and get vaccinated. I didnt listen to all ...
Vaccine Injury of David Becerra
Aug 10 2021 vaccine taken tired headache Aug 16 2021 ankles not holding Aug 19 2021 knees not holding Aug 21 2021 cannot walk use of hands slipping away Hospital lumbar poke scans blood every test ...
Vaccine Injury of Wanda Diaz
Looking back I started having symptoms as soon as two weeks after the vaccine.
I have pain on all the left side of my body (front and back). The worst pain is on my head (sharp pain and za...
Vaccine Injury of Laurie Carr
Vaccine Injury of William Workman
3/31/21 - pfizer vaccine dose 1 4/2/21 - eye floaters/visual snow/tremors/tinnitus/electric pulses in head. All of these are unwavering and constant, I still have all of this today.
Vaccine Injury of John Murray Davis
1st Pfizer Shot - EW0162 04/18/2021 I had sharp pain in my jaw on both sides 15 minutes after taking the Pfizer Vaccine. I started having joint pain mostly in my arms and muscle pain in my body, ...
Vaccine Injury of Robert Ayres
Vaccine Injury of Hannah Sparks
I ended up with partial paralysis from the neck down, motor weakness, painful peripheral neuropathy, and lost my job, got kicked out of my graduate program, ended up homeless, and in need of medica...
Vaccine Injury of Alissa Blount
3/23/21. Extremely sick with flu like symptom several hours after receiving shot, lasting three days. 4/27/21 Became light headed immediately after 2nd shot. October of 2021 began to have difficult...
Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson
I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, ...
Vaccine Injury of Aleida Simmons
Vaccine Injury of Lorray Maurigi
Vaccine March 2021 and Sept 2021. Noticed fatigue, joint aches, had menstrual cycle 3 times after vaccine but had a Uterine oblation 10 years prior, severe tinnitus, confusion, foggy brain, herpes ...