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Tagged with: Autoimmunity

Vaccine Injury of Assetou Cisse-Smith

I received the 1st vaccine on January 22, 2021, and the debilitating pain and other symptoms started 4 days later January 26, 2021. I went to my doctor’s office the next day. They prescribed a pain...

Vaccine Injury of Daniel Cheng

At the time, I was working as an EMT with a 911 provider. After receiving the second dose of Moderna, I developed plaques on my knuckles and elbows. They quickly spread to my head, knees and back. ...

Vaccine Injury of Lalena

Can only guess I think it started at second shot especially because there isn't lot numbers on it. I also got so sick. It caused my brother's wife to leave him over the Vax. But the booster was the...

Vaccine Injury of William Sandreuter

1/19/22 Shingrix shot #1 3/22/21 Pfizer shot #1 4/13/21 Pfizer shot #2 5/20/21 Shingrix shot #2 5/27/21 pulmonary embolism 5/30/21 released from hospital 8/21/22 thyroid biopsy - results negative 5...

Vaccine Injury of PAUL OAKLEY

Injected end of April 2021. Initial symptoms were severe back pain. Physiotherapy for the back pain during summer of 2021. Drugs that did not help were Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Steroids. Some relief...

Vaccine Injury of Gisele De Souza Almeida Da Veiga

A minha primeira vacina foi em setembro de 2021, da PFIZER, a segunda também da PFIZER em novembro de 2021, nesse período já comecei a sentir mal, com dores pelo corpo todo, Náuseas, dores fortes d...

Vaccine Injury of Jon

In April 2021 my wife was 4 months pregnant and we were living quite isolated outside of the city. With very little or no reliable research to be found on the potential side effects the vaccine dur...

Vaccine Injury of Mayra Mendez

Last vaccine 1/2022 diagnosed 4/2022 was controlled by diet and exercise until eventually my pancreas gave up the vaccine ruined my pancreas

Vaccine Injury of John Murray Davis

1st Pfizer Shot - EW0162 04/18/2021 I had sharp pain in my jaw on both sides 15 minutes after taking the Pfizer Vaccine. I started having joint pain mostly in my arms and muscle pain in my body, ...

Vaccine Injury of Suzanne Alexander

I experienced the usual flu-like symptoms after the second jab in March 2021 with fever, aches, chills, fatigue and headache. However, the fatigue, malaise and brain fog didn't lessen over time. Af...

Vaccine Injury of Alissa Blount

3/23/21. Extremely sick with flu like symptom several hours after receiving shot, lasting three days. 4/27/21 Became light headed immediately after 2nd shot. October of 2021 began to have difficult...

Vaccine Injury of Lorray Maurigi

Vaccine March 2021 and Sept 2021. Noticed fatigue, joint aches, had menstrual cycle 3 times after vaccine but had a Uterine oblation 10 years prior, severe tinnitus, confusion, foggy brain, herpes ...

Vaccine Injury of Lilian

I got the initial Moderna vaccine in 1/2021 and the 1st booster in 2/2021. The immediate reactions to the vaccine were the expected ones, like body aches, pain at injection site etc. Looking back,...

Vaccine Injury of Robert

I received the Johnson Covid vaccine in August 2021… Got Covid in October 2021 along with my wife… My symptoms were much more severe than hers although I did not need hospitalization… About six mon...

Vaccine Injury of Chris Pigott

12/30/2021 received the Pfizer mNRA booster 01/10/2022 Started running low grade fever 01/17/2022 Started running high fever & tested neg for flu/Covid and continued to feel like I had the flu ...

Vaccine Injury of Sharlene Sybrandt

I had my booster vaccine 5/9/22. The week after I was getting dizzy spells, it was hard to walk straight and my feet were numb. I was having tremors and insomnia and an outrageous feeling of anxiet...

Vaccine Injury of Lauralee

was feeling off prior to the Fall of 2019 school closings. I had this feeling of general Malease and my PCP was for some reason trying to get me to start a new kind of inhaler for my athletic and...

Vaccine Injury of Davin Carbon
