Grace Morrison
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Athletic, energetic, no health problems.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I had a "normal" reaction to the first and second doses. Then exactly two weeks to the day after my second dose, I lost control of my bowels and threw up 12 times in one night. The symptoms evolved to numbness in the arms and legs, chest pains, dizziness, loss of vision, loss of balance, headaches, pain in the neck, shortness of breath, feeling as if I was about to have a heart attack, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, memory loss., and sever fatigue. I was eventually informally diagnosed with POTS and MCAS. I have been debilitated for the last 5 months.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
H1 and H2 blockers, ivermectin, high dose vitamin c, quercetin, extra sleep, keeping temperature cold, refraining from walking or standing too long.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Anything else!
What would you like others to know?
You are NOT alone and you are NOT crazy. The doctors in the emergency room told me this was all in my head and sent me home with a walker when I couldn't walk or stand up straight. Do not let them gaslight you. The syndromes caused by the vaccine are real and legitimate. Find a practitioner who will take you seriously.
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I agree to allow React 19 to share my testimonial publicly on its website, social media, or webinar platforms. I further understand that my testimonial will be posted publicly and React 19 cannot prevent third-parties from sharing it once public.
I agree to notify React 19 immediately should I discover inaccuracies in my testimonial in order to maintain the integrity of React 19's advocacy platform.
Moderna Vaccine:15 May 2022
Injury Date:
29 October 2022 -
CA -
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Common Tags
Fatigue 388
Heart Issues 324
Inflammation 318
Muscle or Joint Pain 284
Head Pain 278
Brain Fog 271
Limb Weakness 253
Paraesthesias 245
Neuropathy 229
GI Issues 209
Sleep Issues 188
Tremors or Twitching 178
Tinnitus 159
Autoimmunity 147
POTS 136
Dermatologic 117
Vision Issues 104
Psychiatric 91
Clotting 84
Neurological 32
Menstrual Issues 22
Clotting-Cardiovascular 20
Myocarditis 20
Allergies 7
Dysautonomia 4
Neuropsychiatric 4
Lymphadenopathy 2
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.