Page Rhoad
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Saw your video on Epoch Times email and now know of React19. I, Hal Rhoad, am writing this with my wife's permission as this would be difficult for her to pen. She was a healthy then 66 year old female (dob 1/8/55) non smoker and at a normal weight, 5'2 and 135 lbs. Took brisk walks and short hikes with not problem. Only medication was thyroid. Normal to low BP and heart rate. We have 4 adult children born from 1985-1990 with the only issue being her last child developing a blood infection a few weeks before birth but was resolved thru me give giving him blood, which was highly unusual. In the past she has had reactions to shots like yellow fever in that I developed yellow fever the summer after the shot. She is semi retired with me, working part time and transitioning to be a real estate agent. We now live full time in what was our weekend vacation home 2 hours north of Atlanta.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
She got her first shot of Moderna vaccine on 1/26/21. Next day experiencing swollen tongue, bumps on my inside of her lips, foggy brain, balance issues like walking but suddenly falling over to the right. Later developed fluid in her lungs, trouble breathing, and heart issues, and major loss of energy. Local doctors gave her steroid shot 3 times in the first 6 months that only created a 35 lb water weight gain. Saw an immunologist at Emory University in Atlanta who could offer no help. Reached out to an old friend at the CDC who also could not offer any advice.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Finally reconnected with Dr. Ellie Campbell, DO in Cumming GA who was her former doctor when we lived in that area. She has been treating Page out of pocket for since August 2021. We are on Medicare with a Plan G supplement that pays nothing towards these expenses. Sent a claim to vaccine compensation VAERS with $10K in expenses in 2021 more than a year ago with the only response being that they received the application. Dr Campbell did extensive testing and determined Page had extreme high cortisol levels, intolerance to histamines, among other issues. She's been on a restricted low histamine diet, and numerous supplements to try and bring my test numbers in balance. Also began seeing a Dr. Arthur Flick, MD in Clayton, GA in about Oct 2022. He is coordinating with Dr Campbell and has prescribed some laser and magrez magnet treatments that seem to be helping her foggy brain issues. Dr Campbell also believes the lymph system is stressed and has her self massaging the lymph nodes and also getting her legs compression wrapped to flush excess water in her legs just last week. She is also on an oral detox cleanse and she has high levels of mold in her system (we live in a rainy area) so we are now working at mold remediation throughout the house ongoing at this time.
Which solutions were not helpful?
The steroid shots.
What would you like others to know?
Any treatment that helps others get their life back! I believe that there is overwhelming evidence that conflicts of interest with big Pharma working with our government (who should protect the public) have superseded your individual right to know the true and real risks to your health of any new health product. Big money has corrupted the system. That supposed compassion for the uneducated masses and the profits that come with that, outweigh any individual or "small percentage of the population" group who are injured. They believe, if the publicity from an injury might severely impact the goal of maximizing the vaccinated public, and their profits, then withholding information is justified. I think they still believe your injury was worth the trade off of "more lives saved" and therefor withholding information from you was justified. So the means justified the end, even if it ruined your life. A healthy government protects the public from profiteers and forces the exposing the risk so individuals can make informed decisions. That didn't happen. Treating citizens like children is what totalitarian governments do. A government of the people, by the people and for the people is now a government for the enriching of the elite and well connected. Our moral compass was bought off at the highest level and others just went along for the paycheck.
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I agree to notify React 19 immediately should I discover inaccuracies in my testimonial in order to maintain the integrity of React 19's advocacy platform.

Moderna Vaccine:26 January 2021
Injury Date:
27 January 2021 -
GA -