Beverly Pacio
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I’m writing this on behalf of my dearest friend, Shirley Green. Her life was full by of work, family, faith, friends. We talked daily and had lunch often. Shirley lived crafts and enjoyed beading, meticulously creating works of art She sewed, created scrapbooks and paper crafted. She was adored by family and friends for her goodness and kindness.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Shirley was fearful of getting Covid. Our only argument came over getting the shot. She was a firm believer of its effectiveness and always practiced “safe” suggestions from the CDC. On July 4 of 2022, I came down with Covid. Shirley lovingly suggested I take the shot which I promptly and curtly replied NO! I reminded her I didn’t need the shot any longer as now my immunity was far superior to hers. She was certain I was wrong and although I never came in contact with her, she raced out soon after and got her 5th shot. From there, her life deteriorated rapidly. I watched a healthy, vibrant woman lose all her energy before my very eyes. She became overwhelmed with fatigue. By early November, she landed in the hospital, barely able to move. At that time she learned she had cancer, likely in her ovaries. She also had cirrhosis of the liver and Shirley never drank alcohol. Each day was a struggle. Locating the exact site of the cancer was difficult and treatment (chemo) had to be delicately applied. I was able to visit her once in the hospital. Within a month she had lost 50 or more pounds. Shirley was unable to eat. She spent the next few months scrambling for some type of food she could eat but food was unbearable to her taste and the texture seemed to make her gag. She longed for the time we could celebrate food. She forced herself to down Ensure just to survive and be strong enough for the brutality of chemo. I thought progress was coming along. We talked daily. She seemed to be moving along but by early February, she wound up in ER, facing a lifesaving surgery to locate internal bleeding. The day before, her once strong character broke down, sobbing and sharing her devastation of having not only losing control of her bowls, but the explosive nature it occurred. It was my job to offer support and I rallied her to courageously carry on. Shirley spent the last 6 weeks of her life struggling to get well. Doctors were unable to stop the internal bleeding. Day after day she spent in IVY, too week to talk or hold her phone, struggling through pain, staying brace to the very end. She died the day before her 66th birthday. She left behind a beautiful adopted daughter, 26 years old and a medical student who put her life on hold for 6 months, daily tending to her mothers needs. We list a beautiful human being, April 37, 2023.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
There were no solutions for Shirley. Her fifth shot opened the door for a long and painful series of suffering.
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
Do NOT ever take one of those shots. I know if two other women who developed breast cancer after their last shot. A third person (14) developed an ovarian cyst.
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Pfizer Vaccine:04 August 2022
Injury Date:
11 November 2022 -
Age at Injury:
65 -
TX -