Vaccine Injury of Megan Whipple
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Extremely active, outdoor enthusiast. Ran 3 to 4 days a week hot vinyasa yoga twice a week. Hiking in Colorado, spent summers at the beach worked full-time took care of two dogs and family. Avid traveler and adventurous.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Felt off after first Pfizer vaccine, against better judgment got the second. Which was the mandated dose by work (2 Pfizer) in order to not compromise employment.
Within 12 hours of the second developed light sensitivity, extreme brain fog, activated EBV (must have been doormat and never experienced). Migraines, extreme fatigue, GI issues, dizziness, electrical sensations running up and down my arms. Ticking inside the right side of my brain above my ear by the temporal lobe.
Had MRI 3 weeks later (first available) and was told I had possibly MS and to see neurologist.
Early 2022 - Neurologist did additional testing and rolled out MS, however, did an EEG and found a regular electrical brain activity on the right side. Was diagnosed with brain seizures, and put on medication. (Again never a health issue in my life or history of neurological issue). That diagnosis was later rescinded, and seen as a “reaction to the vaccine”.
Symptoms are slowly rescinding, however still not healed.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Accupuncture, infared Sauna, anti inflammatory, mindfulness. Vitamin B12, hormone replacement for fatigue. Rest when in a flare, listen to your body.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Powering through, getting back out there. Surrounding yourself with negative energy and people who don’t have compassion for others.
What would you like others to know?
Do your research, and stay away! Always stick to your gut - I wish I would have everyday 😔.
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Pfizer Vaccine:13 October 2021lot #: FF2589
Pfizer Vaccine:03 November 2021lot #: FH8020
Injury Date:
03 November 2021 -
Age at Injury:
35 -
MD -