Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Where do I start? Though my daughters symptoms are nowhere near the sufferings I have seen here, they are still concerning. My heart tells me it is vaccine related. The medical field says otherwise. She has woken up with a pounding heart every morning for the past 12 days and its suffering anxiety that leads to panic attacks. After two trips to emergency she now has Atavan to take when the predictable anxiety elevates every day between 3:30 and 5:00. Yes she has had anxiety over her life but nothing even close the this severity. The nerve pain is very unusual along with blurry vision and sore back muscles. Her second Pfizer vaccine was May 20th, 2021. She did have pain in her arm was extremely sick within 3 hours, for about 24 hours, had a large swollen lymph node, but then felt better and proceeded to go to Disneyworld for just under two weeks. Everything was fine until 12 days ago. Is there other support groups or information that shows late onset of symptoms...She is schedule to see a psychiatrist, thinks anxiety drugs may help and well the slope is so frigging slippery!!!! Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for all that you are doing while navigating such challenging waters! Much appreciation.
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