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Tagged with: Head Pain

Vaccine Injury of Megan Whipple

Felt off after first Pfizer vaccine, against better judgment got the second. Which was the mandated dose by work (2 Pfizer) in order to not compromise employment. Within 12 hours of the second deve...

Vaccine Injury of Dorothy Nith

Fall 2021, bad taste in mouth, bladder and pelvic pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, confusion, severe fatigue, body pain As time passed blurred vision, blue feet, legs, numb fingers,...

Vaccine Injury of Michael Tokar

Was training for a full ironman in mid April of 2021, I completed a half in the end of march for training. Got the shot on 4/9/21. All down hill from there, it started that night with severe head p...

Vaccine Injury of Devon Brent

About a week post vaccination, I started to get symptoms I now know are from HyperPOTS as well as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Vaccine Injury of Assetou Cisse-Smith

I received the 1st vaccine on January 22, 2021, and the debilitating pain and other symptoms started 4 days later January 26, 2021. I went to my doctor’s office the next day. They prescribed a pain...

Vaccine Injury of Teresa Porter

1st covid vaccine- 4-14-21, 2nd covid vaccine 5-12-22, 3rd covid vaccine w/ flu vaccine 11-19-21.  I was a willing to do my duty as an American and get vaccinated.  I didnt listen to all ...

Vaccine Injury of Wanda Diaz

Looking back I started having symptoms as soon as two weeks after the vaccine. I have pain on all the left side of my body (front and back).  The worst pain is on my head (sharp pain and za...

Vaccine Injury of Daniel Cheng

At the time, I was working as an EMT with a 911 provider. After receiving the second dose of Moderna, I developed plaques on my knuckles and elbows. They quickly spread to my head, knees and back. ...

Vaccine Injury of Lalena

Can only guess I think it started at second shot especially because there isn't lot numbers on it. I also got so sick. It caused my brother's wife to leave him over the Vax. But the booster was the...

Vaccine Injury of Thomas

Details on my Twitter X reply to Brianne Dressen's post...

Vaccine Injury of My Two Young Daughters

EVERY. SINGLE. DAY I hear I don't feel good or my head hurts so badly or please make it stop or why is this happening to me or my heart is racing or I am so tired mommy the hardest...

Vaccine Injury of Patricia Frederes

1st shot was given on DEC 31, 2020 and hospitalized on Jan 01, 2021 with persistent Status Epilepticus and 182/70 blood pressure, discharge on Jan 13, 2021 though still very weak and disoriented. P...

Vaccine Injury of William Workman

3/31/21 - pfizer vaccine dose 1 4/2/21 - eye floaters/visual snow/tremors/tinnitus/electric pulses in head. All of these are unwavering and constant, I still have all of this today.

Vaccine Injury of Gisele De Souza Almeida Da Veiga

A minha primeira vacina foi em setembro de 2021, da PFIZER, a segunda também da PFIZER em novembro de 2021, nesse período já comecei a sentir mal, com dores pelo corpo todo, Náuseas, dores fortes d...

Vaccine Injury of Frank L Hammond III

Started to have muscle cramps and longer workout recovery times in late 2021. Had several exercise induced bouts of fatigue, heart palpitations, and left side chest soreness through 2022-23. Each ...

Vaccine Injury of William Macomber

April 12, 2021: I received the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. I did not take this step willingly but was pushed by my agency and the government. As a manager, I was expected to tell my ...

Vaccine Injury of Jon

In April 2021 my wife was 4 months pregnant and we were living quite isolated outside of the city. With very little or no reliable research to be found on the potential side effects the vaccine dur...

Vaccine Injury of Mayra Mendez

Last vaccine 1/2022 diagnosed 4/2022 was controlled by diet and exercise until eventually my pancreas gave up the vaccine ruined my pancreas

Vaccine Injury of Gary Carr

1st dose 10/7/21 Anaphylactic reaction to first dose 2nd dose reported reaction. On consent form notated I wasn't taking of my own free will and was forced into taking it only to retain employment...

Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson

I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, ...