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Tagged with: Vision Issues

Vaccine Injury of Christina Hackman Fible

April 6th, I received my first Moderan shot. (lot# 021B21A) Within a few hours I had a headache and felt exhausted. My left arm was very sore. More than my usual flu shot. Over the next couple days...

Vaccine Injury of Tom Witter

10/12/20 Contracted Covid 1/1/21 - Cytokine Storm after shoveling snow 1/6 and 1/19/21 ER visits for massive body inflammation and inability to move/walk 1/19 Perirectal Abscess forms 1/19 CRP scor...

Vaccine Injury of Debra Mitchell

In January 2021 even though I worked from home, I was forced to get the Covid 19 vaccine in order to keep my job. I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 1/12/2021. Approximately on 1/17...

Vaccine Injury of Mary Beth Knott

Vaccinated Jan 2021, and Feb 2021, went to the doc and was gaslit stating this is how the vaccine works and I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and auxiliary. I also had inter cranial inflammation...

Vaccine Injury of C Tetzlaff

Received booster about 12 noon, approximately midnight woke up with severe chills, body aches, nausea. Within less then 1 week was unable to walk

Vaccine Injury of Jill Alesi

In 2021 I had my first Johnson & Johnson COVID19 vaccine. It was not, however, until after the J&J booster shot in November of 2021 that my symptoms first began. My symptoms rapidly develop...

Vaccine Injury of Cynthia Jones

23 September 2021 - Pfizer - Adverse reaction: drooping left side of face until morning, and extreme stabbing pain in left side of head, back. Unable to get out of bed for 3 days. 14 October 2021:...

Vaccine Injury of Megan Whipple

Felt off after first Pfizer vaccine, against better judgment got the second. Which was the mandated dose by work (2 Pfizer) in order to not compromise employment. Within 12 hours of the second deve...

Vaccine Injury of Dorothy Nith

Fall 2021, bad taste in mouth, bladder and pelvic pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, confusion, severe fatigue, body pain As time passed blurred vision, blue feet, legs, numb fingers,...

Vaccine Injury of William Barry

Received the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine November of 21 was fully paralyzed on my right side August of 23

Vaccine Injury of Teresa Porter

1st covid vaccine- 4-14-21, 2nd covid vaccine 5-12-22, 3rd covid vaccine w/ flu vaccine 11-19-21.  I was a willing to do my duty as an American and get vaccinated.  I didnt listen to all ...

Vaccine Injury of David Becerra

Aug 10 2021 vaccine taken tired headache Aug 16 2021 ankles not holding Aug 19 2021 knees not holding Aug 21 2021 cannot walk use of hands slipping away Hospital lumbar poke scans blood every test ...

Vaccine Injury of Wanda Diaz

Looking back I started having symptoms as soon as two weeks after the vaccine. I have pain on all the left side of my body (front and back).  The worst pain is on my head (sharp pain and za...

Vaccine Injury of Daniel Cheng

At the time, I was working as an EMT with a 911 provider. After receiving the second dose of Moderna, I developed plaques on my knuckles and elbows. They quickly spread to my head, knees and back. ...

Vaccine Injury of My Two Young Daughters

EVERY. SINGLE. DAY I hear I don't feel good or my head hurts so badly or please make it stop or why is this happening to me or my heart is racing or I am so tired mommy the hardest...

Vaccine Injury of William Sandreuter

1/19/22 Shingrix shot #1 3/22/21 Pfizer shot #1 4/13/21 Pfizer shot #2 5/20/21 Shingrix shot #2 5/27/21 pulmonary embolism 5/30/21 released from hospital 8/21/22 thyroid biopsy - results negative 5...

Vaccine Injury of William Workman

3/31/21 - pfizer vaccine dose 1 4/2/21 - eye floaters/visual snow/tremors/tinnitus/electric pulses in head. All of these are unwavering and constant, I still have all of this today.

Vaccine Injury of Mayra Mendez

Last vaccine 1/2022 diagnosed 4/2022 was controlled by diet and exercise until eventually my pancreas gave up the vaccine ruined my pancreas

Vaccine Fatality of Maria Araceli Alonso Aguerrebere

In July of 2021 she took the first of two Astrazenica shots against her own better judgment. She told me she was pressured to take them. She never had covid previously and she did not want it but s...

Vaccine Injury of Gary Carr

1st dose 10/7/21 Anaphylactic reaction to first dose 2nd dose reported reaction. On consent form notated I wasn't taking of my own free will and was forced into taking it only to retain employment...