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Tagged with: Paraesthesias

Angela Troxell

Vaccine Injury of G.G. – Michigan

Entry Date: 6/20/21 ​Within 2 hours of getting the vaccine, I started experiencing numbness in tingling in both arms and legs. Exactly one week to the day of getting my first Pfizer vaccine I st...

Bethany Garrison

Bonnie Corwin

Carla Corbett

Carlene Spitzer

Vaccine Injury of A.K. – California

Vaccine Date: 15 May 2021
Entry Date: 6/22​/21 I was a healthy 33 year old with no history of medical issues. I don't know if I ever had covid, but if I did it was asymptomatic. I have had a strange immediate neurologica...

Vaccine Injury of J.A. – New Jersey

Entry Date: 6/20/21 One hour after my Pfizer Covid shot I experienced a 10 hour migraine type headache with burning pain. Headaches continue on and off with pain in that same area of my head. W...

Carolina Bourque

Cecilia Serna

Cesar Vasquez

Christian Emery

Christine Liu

Claire Hill

Vaccine Injury of D.F. – Utah

Entry date: 6/21/21 ​I was excited to get the Pfizer vaccine, but almost immediately after the second shot my limbs, hands, feet and tongue started to tingle. This has continued for 3 1/2 months...

Vaccine Injury of J.G – Oregon

6/15/21 ​I work at a medical callcenter, answering when people call to schedule an appointment with their doctor. Roughly, there are 200 call agents at our center. I speak with approximately 50-...

Vaccine Injury of I.R. – Kansas

Entry Date: 6/3/21 ​I took the Pfizer vaccine. After the first dose, within a week, I began experiencing nerve pain in my left forearm, which is the arm I received the shot in. I also experience...

Corrina Mitchell

Vaccine Injury of H.L. – Texas

5/30/21 I’m 58 years old, married to my husband going on 40 years and enjoy life on our ranch. We have two beautiful granddaughters that I love to be active with in all their activities. Prio...

Vaccine Injury of M.S. Massachusetts

Vaccine Date: 21 March 2021
Entry Date: 5/28/21 I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 3/21. That night I was awoken at 3am with a rapid racing heart - pulse was 135. I was so anxious and pulse so high I had to...