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Tagged with: POTS

Vaccine Injury of Mary Davis

On 10/7/21 my wife received the 2nd dose of the Pfizer jab due to a mandate from her employer. She had been working throughout the pandemic and never caught covid. She resisted as long as she could...

Vaccine Injury of Brett Scheuer

-March 2021 after 2nd (late evening) fainted and was taken to the ER by ambulance for evaluation. Stoke like symptoms and extremely low blood pressure. -November 2021 1st bout of covid, two weeks ...

Vaccine Injury of Robert Seromik

On 8/27/2021 I got my second pfizer. Within a week I was getting flashes of light in my eyes while I was trying to sleep which now i know is brain inflamation, and also heart palpitations. It start...

Vaccine Injury of Mark Hendsbee

In April of 2021 I received the first two covid vaccines on separate dates. This was uneventful. I received the shots in my left deltoid and there was no pain. No repercussions, aching, burning etc...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher Stone Lamb

I started feeling dizziness, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, headaches, within hours of my Second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Largely bedridden for 1 1/2 years.

Vaccine Injury of Sarah Brochey

I went to my local pharmacy for the first vax. I waited 15 minutes afterwards, and felt ok but was dizzy. I went straight home and went to bed. I couldn't go back to work the next day so I just tho...

Vaccine Injury of Rachel D

March 16th, 2021, a few weeks after my second dose of the Moderna vaccine (Feb 19), I got weird fuzziness in my eyes, which I thought was the start of a migraine. I took medicine and still got a he...

Vaccine Injury of Christina Hackman Fible

April 6th, I received my first Moderan shot. (lot# 021B21A) Within a few hours I had a headache and felt exhausted. My left arm was very sore. More than my usual flu shot. Over the next couple days...

Vaccine Injury of Debra Mitchell

In January 2021 even though I worked from home, I was forced to get the Covid 19 vaccine in order to keep my job. I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 1/12/2021. Approximately on 1/17...

Vaccine Injury of Mary Beth Knott

Vaccinated Jan 2021, and Feb 2021, went to the doc and was gaslit stating this is how the vaccine works and I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and auxiliary. I also had inter cranial inflammation...

Vaccine Injury of Kate Nicoll

10 days after first vaccine 2021, since then 26 ER visits, 7 hospitalizations

Vaccine Injury of Gracie M Howlett

Phizer, Jabbed on July 5th, 2021

Vaccine Injury of Megan Whipple

Felt off after first Pfizer vaccine, against better judgment got the second. Which was the mandated dose by work (2 Pfizer) in order to not compromise employment. Within 12 hours of the second deve...

Vaccine Injury of Dorothy Nith

Fall 2021, bad taste in mouth, bladder and pelvic pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, confusion, severe fatigue, body pain As time passed blurred vision, blue feet, legs, numb fingers,...

Vaccine Injury of Devon Brent

About a week post vaccination, I started to get symptoms I now know are from HyperPOTS as well as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Vaccine Injury of Assetou Cisse-Smith

I received the 1st vaccine on January 22, 2021, and the debilitating pain and other symptoms started 4 days later January 26, 2021. I went to my doctor’s office the next day. They prescribed a pain...

Vaccine Injury of Addie Wing

In August 2021 I got my first shot. I was extremely nervous to get it but was trying to do my part in staying healthy. My college was encouraging us to get it or else we needed to be tested often, ...

Vaccine Injury of My Two Young Daughters

EVERY. SINGLE. DAY I hear I don't feel good or my head hurts so badly or please make it stop or why is this happening to me or my heart is racing or I am so tired mommy the hardest...

Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson

I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, ...

Vaccine Injury of Chris Pigott

12/30/2021 received the Pfizer mNRA booster 01/10/2022 Started running low grade fever 01/17/2022 Started running high fever & tested neg for flu/Covid and continued to feel like I had the flu ...