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Tagged with: Neuropathy

Helene Schuck

Vaccine Injury of F.J. – Florida

Entry Date: 6/29/21 I had slight numbness in my toes for years but 2 months after the vaccine shots I have numbness that has migrated up to my knees. I have brain fog and feel like I'm behind a ...

Vaccine Injury of A.H.

Vaccine Date: 01 February 2021
Entry Date: 6/17/21 I got my first shot of Pfizer in Feb 2021. On my way home from my shot (within 20 minutes) the right side of my face went numb and my arms (especially the right side where I ...

Vaccine Injury of N.P. – Alabama

Vaccine Date: 26 March 2021
Entry Date: 6/16/21 I worked full time and completely healthy before receiving my second Moderna vaccine on March 26 2021. By Easter Sunday I was completely unable to see other than blurred shad...

Vaccine Injury of T.H. – California

Vaccine Date: 16 April 2021
Entry Date: 6/16/21 ​I was a healthy , active 46 year old women before my first shot of Pfizer on April 16. The shot was painful from the beginning but the pharmacist assured me that is normal . ...

Hillary Martinez

James Moss

Vaccine Injury of V.H. – Georgia

Vaccine Date: 09 April 2021
Entry Date: 6/25​/21 Preface: I have an autoimmune disorder (UCTD) as well as Mast Cell disease (MCAS) that has mostly attacked my digestive system, and have had it for many years. I’ve been sta...

Jason Else

Jennie Lloyd

Vaccine Injury of H.L. – Texas

5/30/21 I’m 58 years old, married to my husband going on 40 years and enjoy life on our ranch. We have two beautiful granddaughters that I love to be active with in all their activities. Prio...

Vaccine Injury of A.K. – California

Vaccine Date: 15 May 2021
Entry Date: 6/22​/21 I was a healthy 33 year old with no history of medical issues. I don't know if I ever had covid, but if I did it was asymptomatic. I have had a strange immediate neurologica...

Vaccine Injury of M.H.

5/25/21 I received one dose Moderna on January 20, 2021. My immediate reactions included tingling/numbing lips, itchy/hives on jab arm, tightening throat and racing heart. The next day, I f...

Jennifer Vacca

Joan Green

Katherine Harris

Kelly Alves

Kevin Hunt

Laura Addison

Linda Davis